How Opposing DCs Will Scheme to Make Broncos QB Bo Nix's Life Difficult

The NFL can't wait to take a swing at Denver Broncos rookie quarterback Bo Nix.
Denver Broncos quarterback Bo Nix at rookie minicamp.
Denver Broncos quarterback Bo Nix at rookie minicamp. / Ben Swanson/Denver Broncos
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As Bo Nix steps into his role under Denver Broncos head coach Sean Payton, expectations are high for the young quarterback to thrive in an offense tailored to his strengths. However, NFL defensive coordinators are already devising plans to ensure Nix's transition into the league is anything but smooth.

Known for his athletic prowess and quick release, Nix fits well into Payton's dynamic offensive scheme. However, Nix still has a quarterback competition to win, but when he secures QB1, the challenge he and Payton will face will be handling the sophisticated defenses aimed directly at him

Defensive coordinators, aware of Nix's quick, accurate passes, will attempt to push him out of these comfort zones. They will likely employ complex coverage schemes to cut off his favorite short routes, forcing Nix to hold onto the ball longer and make deeper, more challenging throws — areas where he has shown inconsistency.

Expect a lot of disguised coverages and pre-snap movement from safeties and linebackers to confuse the rookie and bait him into making risky throws. These tactics aim to capitalize on his noted difficulties in processing defenses downfield and his sometimes-erratic footwork under pressure.

The battle, however, extends beyond just rattling Nix. Coordinators will equally focus on disrupting Payton's hallmark offensive rhythm. Payton, a strategist at heart, excels in setting up plays that unfold like a chess match, often using one play to set the stage for another.

To counter this, defenses will aim to increase their front-seven pressure, not just to pursue sacks but to limit Nix's time in the pocket, thereby hindering the quick-release aspect of Payton's offense. This approach will be complemented by frequent shifts in defensive alignments to obscure their intentions until the last possible second, hoping to stymie Payton's scripted plays and create chaos for Nix.

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As the season progresses, Nix will need to adapt rapidly and embrace the pressures that come with his new role. The NFL is a league that tests a quarterback's resolve and ability to evolve game by game.

For Nix, the saying "Be comfortable with being uncomfortable" must become second nature. Defensive coordinators will continuously tweak their strategies to exploit his rookie vulnerabilities and those of his supporting cast. The pressure will be unrelenting, and his response to these challenges will define his early years in the NFL.

Bottom Line

Nix has the athletic tools and a head coach renowned for offensive innovation; he's stepping into a league where defensive coordinators relish the opportunity to challenge rookies. How he navigates this adversity will be crucial, not just for his own development but also for the Broncos' aspirations.

As defenses evolve and adapt to disrupt his play, so must Nix evolve, turning the challenges into opportunities to grow and affirm his place as the future of the Broncos.

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Mike Evans


Mike Evans covers the Denver Broncos as a contributor for Mile High Huddle since 2020.