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Charger Experts Express How Important the Addition of Eric Kendricks Could Be

The veteran linebacker could be the difference maker for the retooled Bolts

The Los Angeles Chargers are ready to show the league they are a contender this season, and their offseason moves showed that. 

LA upgraded on a ton of positions through the draft and free agency. LA needed a wide receiver, they got it; they needed more offensive lineman reinforcement, they did that, too, and they needed a veteran linebacker, and they did not miss, signing All-Pro linebacker Eric Kendricks. 

Kendricks will return to Los Angeles to play for the Bolts and other NFL teams for the first time in his pro career. He spent his first eight seasons with the Minnesota Vikings and panned an excellent career for himself. Now, he will bring his talents to sunny California and a hopeful title contender. Krndrivcks will play a huge role in LA, and Chargers expert Dan Wolkenstein says it may all fall on Kendricks lap at the LB position. 

"Who do you trust other than Eric Kendricks at the linebacker position? Crickets. On a defense who has been widely been talked about as having an atrocious run defense, more than one first down every two plays, that's how important this is. If they can fix this, Super Bowl contender."

That's exactly why Kendricks was brought here. The Chargers gave up 5.42 yards per carry, which was dead last in the NFL in 2022 behind many non-playoff teams. 

If Eric can keep that in the middle of the pack, LA will be a scary team on defense. Health will also play a huge role, but that needs to be fixed if they want to be a serious contender. 

That department will fall on Kendricks, and we'll see if he's up for the challenge. This will be nothing new for the former Pro Bowler, so we expect great things coming this way.