Opt-Out ‘Wasn’t Any Consideration’ for Colts Quarterback Philip Rivers

INDIANAPOLIS — Based on the size of his family with nine children as well as the fact that he doesn’t have many NFL years left, it would have made sense if Indianapolis Colts quarterback Philip Rivers decided to play it safe instead of suit up in 2020.
But that’s precisely why Rivers didn’t opt-out. The 38-year-old quarterback, who agreed to play his 17th NFL season with the Colts for $25 million, would have considered an opt-out decision as retirement.
And as Rivers has said since joining the Colts, he’s not ready to quit. Not due to acknowledge Father Time nor due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
He was asked in a Wednesday Zoom video call if there was any consideration given to opting-out.
“No, there really wasn’t,” Rivers said. “No, that is the shortest answer I can give on the whole day. I don’t even know if I can ramble on that one. There wasn’t any consideration.”
The Colts have had three young reserves — linebacker Skai Moore, cornerback Marvell Tell III, and safety Rolan Milligan — opt-out in the last two days.
Rivers said that while the health and safety of his family is “of the utmost importance,” there are varying opinions and reports on how children could infect adults with COVID-19 and vise versa.
“Obviously, there is always your outliers with tragedies that happen with young children and with all people as this virus has been throughout the country,” he said. “I think like if you’re in a flu season or anything else from a standpoint of be smart. So, I think as far as how we operate and making sure we’re doing the best we can, I think that is kind of where we are from our family standpoint.
“But in terms of deciding not to play, it never got there. Again, that is the main reason – I feel like we have to trust, be thankful, be safe, and do the best we can. Another reason is I think at this point, making that decision for me would’ve been making the decision to be done period – retiring, which is nowhere on my mind.”
Rivers said he and his wife, Tiffany, haven’t decided on whether their children will be home-schooled.
Although he’s playing, Rivers said he understands why others won’t.
“You asked did I ever consider it? No,” he said. “So do I think that someone that does or someone that does consider to opt-out, do I think they’re crazy? No. I think it is really up to each person and their family to do what is best for them. You understand the concerns that one may have both for their own health, their family’s health, their child, mother – who knows?
“I think the league and (NFL)PA tried to do the best job they could as far as contract tolling and obviously somewhat of a payment upfront. It is interesting to see. I think we’re what, at 50-plus now league-wide? Some heavier on some teams than others obviously. We’ll see.”
The opt-out list was officially at 57 entering Wednesday, when Colts head coach Frank Reich announced Tell and Milligan would not play.
The NFL deadline for players to opt-out is 4 p.m., Thursday (EST). Players deemed high-risk can receive $350,000 with an accrued season. Players deemed low-risk can receive $150,000. For salary cap purposes, guaranteed money would still be paid and count, but most of the base salary would be frozen and not count, being forwarded to 2021.
Rivers said he can’t help but wonder how players might second-guess whether or not to opt-out later.
“I think the finality of it really is the big thing because you never know,” he said. “When you make a decision like that, in a couple of weeks sometimes you go, ‘Man, I wish I was doing something.’
“It will be interesting to see how guys if you hear from some guys that decide to, how they feel about it in a few weeks. And some guys who were maybe thinking about it and didn’t, if they wish they did two weeks down the road.”
(Phillip B. Wilson has covered the Indianapolis Colts for more than two decades and authored the 2013 book 100 Things Colts Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die. He’s on Twitter @pwilson24, on Facebook at @allcoltswithphilb and @100thingscoltsfans, and his email is phillipbwilson24@yahoo.com.)