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Inside The Heinicke Deal: The WFT Meaning

Taylor Heinicke signed a new two-year deal on Wednesday. What does it mean for him and the Washington Football Team?

ASHBURN, Va. -- The Washington Football Team took a proactive step on Wednesday morning to sign Taylor Heinicke to a two-year contract worth up to nearly $9 million.

The financial value is a mere pittance for a fringe starter and a quality backup who knows the system, displays mobility, accuracy and toughness.

"I’m really excited,'' he said. "This is the place I wanted to be, so everything came together pretty smoothly, and I’m really excited to be back.”

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Here's what it means to the WFT master plan, however, in terms of "change'': Not much.

It is life-changing money for Heinicke and that's great. He deserves it.

However, he was always coming back after the playoff performance. He's aware that he's a better fit in a system and with a coaching staff that knows him and saw the jolt of energy he provided, not once but twice.

Heinicke, 27, was always going to be in the mix as either a starter or a backup with the ability to start and provide some stability in case of performance or injury.

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It does possibly shape the Alex Smith situation, although that dilemma might already have been decided. It says here that Smith probably won't return unless he's willing to take about a $17 million pay cut to his non-guaranteed base salary.

Even that might not be enough.

Heinicke might have been been able to get more guaranteed money or security elsewhere, but he knows that right now he's got a legitimate shot to start.

Why? Partially because of the Smith potential exit, and partially because even if Smith returns, it's far from a lock that Smith would definitely start.

Heinicke has mobility that Smith doesn't have anymore because of his compromised right leg. Smith is a tough guy .... but Heinicke, too, showed a moxie and toughness grinding out a touchdown drive after suffering an AC joint injury to his shoulder in the play off loss to the Super Bowl Champion, Buccaneers. 

He's also inspired the fan base to believe in a quarterback with a level of faith that they simply did not have with Smith, Kyle Allen and even Kirk Cousins. 

In one heroic playoff effort against Tampa and a fourth-quarter eye-opening performance against Carolina, Heinicke changed his life and good fortune. 

For Washington, they're still looking for competition and still possibly a No. 1 quarterback. 

In other words, life-changing money for the QB. But not much having changed for his employer.

“I love the group of guys that we have here. I just feel like the chemistry is there, and that’s not something you find at every team, so I definitely wanted to be back in Washington,” Heinicke said. “Whether that’s playing, being a backup, anything; I’m just excited to be on the team.”

See? He gets it.

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