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Sean Davis Idolized Sean Taylor

Sean Davis grew up in the DMV. His idol was the late, great Sean Taylor. He played at Maryland. After starting his NFL career in Pittsburgh, he returns home.

On Sean Taylor's 37th birthday (Wednesday April 1), another Sean (Davis) spoke about his love and appreciation for the Redskins legend and his idol. 

Sometimes dates and times just work out perfectly. 

Of course, nothing is perfect about the fact that Taylor is no longer here. 

Now - like so many who have mentioned and played in honor of Taylor, he'll get a chance to do it on the field and for the team that he grew up watching.

Davis met with the media via teleconference to talk about his return home and his role. 

1. On the impact Taylor made on him (All quotes via Redskins Public Relations transcript): 

“He was probably the biggest influence on my football game. I’ve been wearing 21 since high school. I had to wear 28 for Pittsburgh my first two years, but once 21 opened up it was a no-brainer I had to jump on it. He was just an awesome player, a huge role model. His game film is ‘teach tape.’ He was just a beast, he was the best and I’ve tried to emulate my game after him. He instilled fear in the receivers, he was doing everything imaginable, so he was really a freak athlete and I just try to do what I’m supposed to do, but also unleash the inner beast in me and play like Sean Taylor. That’s my goal every week I’m out there, play like Sean.” 

2. Once again, versatility is the key. Just like Kendall Fuller's signing: 

“I have played a lot of positions. I just like being on the field, honestly. I feel like I can play any position you really want me to. As long as I’m on the field, I feel like I’m going to make an impact on defense. But just bouncing around, I feel like it’s just evolved my game, it let me have a better understanding of the defense and how all the positions work together and how we feed off of each other. I feel like I have more experience playing down low, but God blessed me with such athletic skills – I’m so rangy and I’m fast and can patrol back in the deep end, so having a year at free safety two years ago really helped my game and my overall skill set. I believe I’ll be playing free safety this upcoming season. I’m just looking forward to being the deep guy, being the one that everyone has to depend on, being the last line of defense, open field tackling – it’s one of the hardest things in football and it’s one thing that I pride myself on. Each year, I’ve missed less tackles. I’m just looking forward to improving my game each and every year and the best is yet to come.”

3. On improving tackling - probably his No. 1 weakness:

"I’m not too sure, maybe just being more comfortable. I don’t know. Maybe being the last line of defense, I have to really slow down and secure all the tackles rather than having somebody behind me where I can take a chance with a dive or something and have somebody back me up. I don’t have that luxury anymore, I am the last man, so really just slowing down, really staying true to my form and securing the tackle is probably what happened. But I’m getting bigger and stronger every year, faster. My body is weird, I feel like I never really stop growing, I always grow. I don’t know, I’m getting bigger, stronger and faster each and every year, so maybe that’s it, too.”

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Chris Russell is the Publisher of & Sports Illustrated's Washington Redskins channel. He can be heard on 106.7 The FAN in the Washington D.C. area and world-wide on Chris also hosts the "Locked on Redskins" Podcast and can be read via subscription to Warpath Magazine. You can e-mail Chris at or follow him on Twitter at @Russellmania621.