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In one corner, you have Andy Reid, the long-time NFL head coach with the Chiefs and Eagles, who has suckered the Redskins into two disastrous trades over the last decade and coached a rival for a successful period. 

In the other corner, you have a guy that's always been a whiz but rubbed plenty of people wrong in Washington and elsewhere, because he's maybe  not the most friendly and personable. 

Reid dumped Donovan McNabb on Bruce Allen and Dan Snyder, as long as you believe the Shanahan version of things. I do. That cost the Redskins a high second round pick and another draft choice. 

The former Eagles coach also authored the "Monday Night Massacre" in 2010 against the Skins and the Shanahan crew, after the Redskins embarrassingly gave McNabb a contract extension to avoid a public relations disaster for three hours. 

Reid then suckered Bruce Allen and Dan Snyder into a trade for Alex Smith. Maybe that's unfair and hyperbole? No, it's not anyone's fault that Smith suffered a likely career ending injury nine games into his Redskins career, but Washington surrendered a third round pick and Kendall Fuller plus because they made a commitment to Smith, offered him a four year contract extension worth over $90 million. 

They are still paying for it and suffering the consequences, while Reid will ride into the sunset in Miami with Patrick Mahomes on his arm. 

The Redskins haven't recovered in any way. They've started six quarterbacks in the last two years, including Smith. 

As for the younger Shanahan - bring up his name and the Redskins and it's sharp fingernails across a chalkboard to many Redskins fans. 

They don't like him or his Dad. 


They certainly do not like media constantly reminding them of the great coaching staff the Redskins had and let go. 

Just check out the comments in that thread above. That's just a small sampling. 

I still don't understand why Redskins fans sided with Bruce Allen, Dan Snyder and Robert Griffin III over Mike and Kyle Shanahan. I'll never get that. 

To me, there was an easy choice and it wasn't the team with the extra man. 

As for me, I love Reid. I don't care if he absolutely pulled the wool over the Redskins eyes twice in trades. 

I also love Shanahan and his staff. 

Both coaches would win their first Super Bowl as a head coach. 

I hate to do this to people I really, really respect and like on the 49ers staff but the Chiefs are in the Super Bowl for the first time since 1969 and Reid has never won one. He's nearing the end of a tremendous career. 

Kyle is just getting started and should have more opportunities. 

Because of that, I am slightly leaning towards the Chiefs in terms of who I am rooting for but it's not a fun decision.

Who are you choosing? 

Chris Russell is the Publisher of Maven & Sports Illustrated's Washington Redskins channel. He can be heard on 106.7 The FAN in the Washington D.C. area and world-wide on Chris also hosts the "Locked on Redskins" Podcast and can be read via subscription to Warpath Magazine. You can e-mail Chris at or follow him on Twitter at @Russellmania621.