Jerry vs. Jimmy: Dallas Cowboys 30th Anniversary of Breakup - And 30 Takes From Inside the Controversy

Jerry Jones vs. Jimmy Jimmy: Dallas Cowboys 30th Anniversary of Stunning Breakup - And 30 Takes From Inside the Controversy - Fish Podcast
Jimmy and Jerry
Jimmy and Jerry /

FRISCO - The anniversary is here. It's being grossly under-reported.

Allow me to fix that.

March 29, 1994. That makes it 30 years to the day when Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson sat on the stage at Valley Ranch and awkwardly announced their divorce, after years of incredible double-Super Bowl success ... and months of back-biting, back-stabbing and, finally, backing out of what has been a 10-year agreement to work together to rebuild the Dallas Cowboys.

What really happened to end Johnson's reign coaching the Cowboys from 1989-1993? Who is responsible for the blame for the co-architects of the winners of the two Super Bowls by "The Team of the '90's'' to implode a relationship that dated back more than 30 years? 

And what involvement did Barry Switzer have in all of it?

Having lived through it ... I humbly submit that I can offer 30 takes on the 30-year anniversary of the earth-shaking change ... and I do so here, in the Fish Report. Dig in, Cowboys Nation, and enjoy ... or mourn. Your choice.

Mike Fisher


Mike Fisher - as a newspaper beat writer and columnist and on radio and TV, where he is an Emmy winner - has covered the NFL since 1983 and the Dallas Cowboys since 1990, is the author of two best-selling books on the Cowboys.