Jerry Jones Advocates for an 18-game NFL regular season

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones would like to see the NFL make major changes to the schedule
Nov 9, 2014; London, UNITED KINGDOM; NFL commissioner Roger Goodell (left) and Dallas Cowboys owner
Nov 9, 2014; London, UNITED KINGDOM; NFL commissioner Roger Goodell (left) and Dallas Cowboys owner / Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

In recent discussions about the NFL schedule, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has expressed his support for an eventual move to an 18-game regular season, according to Mark Maske of the Washington Post.

While the league currently operates with a 17-game schedule, Jones believes replacing a preseason game with an additional regular-season contest would be a positive change.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has also commented on the topic, acknowledging that an 18-game season is not currently on the table but emphasizing its consideration in a “long-range context.”

The current collective bargaining agreement runs through the 2030 season, leaving room for potential adjustments.

For years, the league maintained a 16-game regular season. In 2021, the schedule expanded to 17 games, and now the possibility of reaching 18 games is gaining traction.

Players’ opinions vary from person to person, and questions about a second bye week have arisen. If the league decides to move to an 18-game season, it will be interesting to see how players adapt to the new format.

As discussions continue, the NFLPA’s stance will be crucial during future CBA negotiations. While the league aims for progress, finding the right balance between player safety, the league's revenue, and fan engagement will remain a priority.


Dustin Mosher