Jerry Jones Lawsuit Dropped, Woman Wants DNA Test from Cowboys Owner
DALLAS - Alexandra Davis, the 25-year-old woman who filed a lawsuit against Jerry Jones, contending that the Dallas Cowboys owner is her biological father, has dropped the lawsuit to instead establish her claim via another path.
According to multiple reports, Davis will seek a DNA test in order to establish the relationship.

“Alexandra has just decided that she wants to go ahead and proceed with parentage and DNA testing,” Jay Gray, one of Davis’ lawyers, tells the Dallas Morning News. “She wants to remove any doubts that Jerry is her father.”
The parties had a hearing scheduled for Thursday in Davis’ previous lawsuit against Jones, which her attorneys asked a judge to dismiss without prejudice Wednesday. That request was granted.
But while the suit was dismissed without prejudice, it can be re-filed if via DNA testing Davis can establish that Jones is her father. It is Davis’ contention via a March 3 filing that Jones and her mother had a relationship in the mid-1990s that resulted in her birth. She also claims that Jones and her mother, Cynthia Davis, reached a settlement that required Jones to financially support the mother and child, in exchange for a promise not to identify Jones as her father.
It is the contention of Jones and his lawyers that Davis has attempted extortion against the Jones family, attempting to get an additional $20 million after having already received $2 million in payments. Davis and her attorneys are denying those allegations.
Jones has called the situation “a personal matter.”