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Jerry Jones Paternity Suit: Woman Claims Cowboys Owner is Her Father

According to the court documents filled by Davis, her mother reached a settlement in which Jones would support them financially as long as they didn't publicly identify him as her father.

According to documents accessed earlier this week by, a woman is suing Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, claiming she is Jones' biological daughter.

Alexandra Davis, a 25-year-old who grew up in the North Texas area, has filed a lawsuit stating that she was conceived from a relationship Jones had with her mother, Cynthia Davis, in the mid-1990s.

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According to the court documents filled by Davis, her mother reached a settlement in which Jones would support them financially as long as they didn't publicly identify him as her father; it is alleged that Davis an infant when the agreement was reached.

A hearing is scheduled for March 31.

Jones initially denied the claim to be Alexandria Davis’ father back in 1998. Alexandria Davis is now asking the court to find out if she is legally bound by an agreement between Jones and her mother (which allegedly included woman $375,000 paid to the mother), and to see if she can legally prove that Jones, 79, is her father.

Per the documents, Cynthia Davis was estranged from her husband when she met Jones. She reportedly was working as a ticket counter agent for American Airlines at the airport in Little Rock, Arkansas, when the relationship began.

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The documents do not state how long the relationship lasted between Cynthia Davis and Jones. Alexandria Davis was born on Dec. 16, 1996, shortly after her mother filed for divorce from her husband, who has not been named.

Davis "has lived her life fatherless and in secret and in fear that if she should tell anyone who her father was, she and her mother would lose financial support, or worse," the lawsuit alleges. The lawsuit also that Cynthia Davis is presently dealing with cancer.