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Does Belichick Prove Jerry Jones' Cowboys Aren't 'Serious About A Super Bowl'? FISH PODCAST

Does Bill Belichick Prove Jerry Jones' Dallas Cowboys Aren't 'Serious About A Super Bowl'? FISH PODCAST
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FRISCO - Assorted members of the national media, in their attempts to "take you inside'' a building in which they've never stepped foot, are trying to detail the inner-workings of the Dallas Cowboys front office by claiming that team owner Jerry Jones "isn't serious about wanting to win a Super Bowl.''

And it's almost as if they are reading off cue cards, all auditioning for the same part in a play.

NFL Network's Kyle Brandt uses the trite "definition of insanity'' phrasing in expressing disbelief in the retention of coach Mike McCarthy.

Pro Football Talk’s Mike Florio says, “Does Jerry Jones truly want to win a Super Bowl? Or is he just a carnival barker hoping to sell overpriced tickets and beer and popcorn to those who have been duped into thinking he truly wants to win a Super Bowl?”

ESPN’s Dan Orlovsky: “If you run it back next season with McCarthy and Dak ... don’t tell me you’re serious about winning a Super Bowl in Dallas because you're not.”

Yes, Jerry Jones' Dallas Cowboys are serious about winning a Super Bowl. But .. Don't take my word for it. Let's ask Troy Aikman.


"Mike took this job as every head coach that’s taken the Cowboys job: They understand what the expectations are,'' Aikman said going into the failed playoff weekend. "And quite frankly, that’s one of the attractions of the job, is knowing that you have an owner who expects to win championships and is going to give you the resources to do so.

"With that said, I think Mike’s done a fantastic job. ...

"I said this going back to when I played: There’s nobody who wants to win more than Jerry, and there’s no one who’s willing to spend money to win more than Jerry ... To have this period where they haven’t gotten even to an NFC Championship game ... it pains him to no end.''

So, Aikman is lying? Or the others are ... ahem ... misinformed?

All of this "misinformation,'' maybe not coincidentally, echoes the "reporting'' on the subject of Bill Belichick replacing McCarthy as was being pushed by ESPN's Adam Schefter and PFT's Mike Florio among others, all without any sourcing to back it up.

We've been trying to tell you there never was a "Belichick thing.'' HFor fun, let's watch Schefter dance the dance of a puppet ...

Here's exactly how Schefter has always phrased it before this playoff loss: "There continues to be a feeling from people around the league ... that coach Mike McCarthy will be measured by how Dallas' final game goes."

That's his "some people say'' trick.

Later came an insinuation that "some people inside the building'' think Belichick would be replacing McCarthy. We called BS on that; we asked - from inside The Star - and found no such vibe.

Then came Schefter's weirdly unprofessional announcement that a "mystery team'' in the playoffs would be hiring Belichick - ESPN knowing full-well that the assumption from the public would be that Adam's "mystery team'' was Dallas.

Then Dallas lost. Suddenly, Adam slightly alters his "some people say'' ... and boldly changes it to: "Throughout this season, sources believed Cowboys’ Mike McCarthy always would be judged by how Dallas’ last game of the season went. ...''

When did "some people say'' become "sources''? With a flick of Schefter's keyboard, that's when.

Then came a Wednesday moment of CYA, Schefter saying, “A lot of people (ah, those "people'' again!) thought after the Dallas Cowboys’ shocking loss on Sunday that there might be news about Mike McCarthy’s future on Monday. ... The longer this goes, I think the more the chances increase that Mike McCarthy might be safe ...

Followed by a double-back CYA, Schefter adding, "We’re waiting for a decision from Dallas. And it almost feels like there’s a volcano (and) we’re waiting to see if and when it’s going to erupt ...''

And finally comes the announcement that Mike McCarthy is being retained, and that Bill Belichick will not be coming to Dallas (just like he never was).

And Adam puts his tail 'tween his legs and "breaks the story,'' saying, “I don’t think ... that Dallas has done an awful lot of checking in with other coaches who could be available out there.''

No kidding, Sherlock.

So "people say'' Belichick to Dallas and then Dallas is the "mystery team'' and then "sources say Belichick to Dallas'' and then "McCarthy might be safe'' but then watch out for a "volcano'' at the Star ... And then "Dallas hasn't really even checked in on Belichick.''

The whole thing, created out of thin air, lines read by actors trying out for a play at the Bristol Community Theatre, insiders who have never been "inside.''

We like to urge you to "Get your Cowboys information from Frisco, not from Bristol.'' This soap opera explains why. But there is something more, once the national media guys drop the cue cards ...

Can both things about Jerry Jones' Cowboys be true? That he wants a Super Bowl and continuity? That he wants a Super Bowl and he believes in McCarthy? That is central to our discussion in the Fish Podcast and the Fish Report here. Dig in, Cowboys Nation!
