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McDaniel Praises Tua's Offseason Work; Clark Apologizes

Miami Dolphins QB Tua Tagovailoa got twice as strong this offseason in certain areas, according to his head coach
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Tua Tagovailoa received a public apology from ESPN analyst (and former Steelers safety) Ryan Clark on Thursday, the same day head coach Mike McDaniel detailed and praised the work the Miami Dolphins quarterback did in the offseason.

McDaniel was asked about Clark's comments toward the end of his pre-practice media session, and it was clear he was waiting for the question.

"God, I was starting to get annoyed," McDaniel said. "I was hoping for the opportunity to talk about it. What I can say, hard facts that I've seen with my own eyes and it's top five on the team in terms of, you know, we've had a lot of guys really stepp their game up. And you want to talk about somebody that's committed to doing what he's doing for the right reasons.

"He was already invested before this year, but then taking a bunch of things that have happened, he really put an onus on controlling what he could control. So you want to talk about every metric, that Dave Puloka and his strength staff really track, which is pretty much everything, I mean, to the degree of blinks, every metric of strength that is measured, he's shattered his previous highs. And in some instances, he's almost twice as strong with things. And that's been a daily commitment that he hasn't wavered from.

"He's taken his nutrition to another level, He's taken his commitment to what he's trying to do and really thought outside the box, and really, really worked at it. So I couldn't be happier with the work that he's put in. And that what I've actually viewed from my own eyes, basically.

"You're happy for guys, as a coach, when you can see in the present that down the road, they're gonna have no regrets, meaning the results are what the results are, but you know that without any shade of gray that you've put your best foot forward, and he really, he really has. And I think his his teammates would agree, we are getting the absolute best version of Tua that's existed."


On Monday, Clark discussed Tua's preseason debut against the Houston Texans and decided to joke about the quarterback's physique, calling him thick and jokingly comparing him to dancers at an Atlanta strip clubs known for their big butts.

However anyone feels about those remarks, Clark really crossed the line — at least from this vantage point — when he questioned his dedication to working out or nutrition in the offseason.

Tua fired back at Clark during his weekly press conference Wednesday, which led to Clark's apology.

"Yesterday Tua Tagovailoa had to answer questions about something I said on Monday, something that I truly just felt like was a joke to me that I've realized as the week has gone on, if this man has to answer questions about it, if so many Miami Dolphins fans are offended by it, then people ain't taking it as a joke," Clark said. "So let me be very clear. If I've offended you, Tua, if I've hurt you, if I've disrespected you if anybody that supports and loves you feels some sort of way because of what I said, I truly apologize.

"To the Miami Dolphins, to head coach Mike McDaniel, who I have a ton of respect for, but most of all to to Tua Tagovailoa and his family. I deeply apologize. I've reached out. I hope to talk to you soon, brother. But just know I wasn't questioning the way you work. I wasn't questioning how much it mattered to you. It was what I can consider now a bad joke, but for me, it's been a lesson. I'll be better."