Lions Explain Timing Struggles of QB Hendon Hooker

Detroit Lions quarterback Hendon Hooker utilized the spring to immerse himself in the offense and to take what he learned in the meeting room out onto the football field.
In his first real live extended football action, the second-year signal-caller struggled at times with accuracy, waiting too long to release the football and mental errors in situational drills.
At the same time, his comfort level calling plays grew and his increased exposure to the timing of many various routes will aid in his development at training camp.
“I think what he does is, he comes out every day with the mindset of improvement and I think he does that. He’s shown drastic improvement from day one of OTAs or really call it phase one, or phase two when we were just out here throwing routes on air to where he’s at now," said Lions passing game coordinator Tanner Engstrand. "He’s shown drastic improvement, whether it’s accuracy or just feeling comfortable calling the plays whatever that may be. He’s continuing to develop and he’s on the right path.”
When asked about the 26-year-old's footwork, Engstrand explained the differences between what Hooker was asked to do back at Tennessee and now being part of Ben Johnson's offensive scheme.
“It's just getting him engulfed in the footwork at which we want the quarterback to play within the passing game, within the system," Engstrand said. "He comes from a different system at Tennessee in college where, really, he was almost standing still, almost sitting in cement where there was no movement going on and he was just waiting. Now, things are in rhythm, in timing, the routes should be coming open at a specific time in his drop and the ball needs to be thrown at those times. For him to really have that where it’s -- he doesn’t have to think about what drop I’m taking, it’s just naturally flowing. I’m in this drop. This is the concept and we can get rid of the ball on time and in rhythm. I think as that becomes second nature to him, you’ll continue to see the improvement there.”
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Quarterbacks coach Mark Brunell did not pinpoint just one area of improvement he saw from Hooker, but an overall growth in understanding Johnson's concepts.
"It’s in every area. I don’t know if I can pinpoint one area where we’ve seen the most growth. I think just his presence in the huddle has improved significantly," said Brunell. "His understanding of our concepts and the intent of the plays that are being called by coach Johnson and what we’re trying to accomplish out there.
"He just has a much better feel at this time than he did a year ago of course and that comes with just getting reps. He’s actually able to go out there and play some football. With that, he’s made a lot of mistakes, he’s done a lot of good things, but we have seen some growth in such a short amount of time.”
With several weeks until the start of training camp, the coaching staff is expecting the potential backup to Jared Goff to take what he has learned from the spring and execute everything better at training camp.
“Touchdown passes. A lot of touchdown passes," Brunell joked, when asked by All Lions what is expected of Hooker. "Just understanding our offense even more. He’s gonna get a lot of opportunities, I imagine, in the preseason. His job as a quarterback is the same as it is for every quarterback. Move the team. Make good decisions with the ball, take care of the ball first and foremost. Be on time, be accurate, understand the situations. Just quarterback stuff. We have high expectations for him and in preseason that’s what we hope to see. We hope to see it on the practice field as well.”