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Panthers QBs Rocking New Jerseys at Practice

A new look for the Panther quarterbacks.

If you ever wondered why the Panthers quarterbacks wear red jerseys at practice, it's so that they can stand out from the other players on the field, warning the defense not to touch them.

Why red, though?

It's a loud color that defensive players refer to as a stop sign. The only problem with it, at least in Carolina's case, is that the color is not used anywhere else within the organization. 

So to make the quarterbacks feel like they were at practice with the Panthers and not the Falcons or some other red team, the equipment team hooked them up with black jerseys. It was Andy Dalton's idea.

"We're staying in the color scheme, you know? You might as well make it look like part of the team than something different," the veteran quarterback told Darin Gantt of "We'll end up wearing whatever the offense and defense aren't wearing. There are times when they'll switch the jerseys up, and we'll be in blue. I think it's a good look.

"It was just a thought; why not stay with the colors? I think a lot of people liked it. . . . It looks good, though."

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