OFFICIAL: No Fans for Panthers' Season Opener
Monday afternoon, the Carolina Panthers announced that fans will not be permitted to attend the team's season opener on September 13th vs the Las Vegas Raiders.
We have worked tirelessly since March to develop and implement a responsible, comprehensive plan to ensure that your game day experience is enjoyable and as safe as possible. Based on the guidelines outlined in Phase 2 of North Carolina's reopening plan, and our health and safety plan, we are confident that we can safely host a limited number of fans.
With the positive tests of COVID-19 in the state of North Carolina remaining steady, this seems to be the safest decision for the time-being. Despite week one being a no-go for fans, it seems like the organization is not counting out all hope for fans to return to Bank of America Stadium at some point this season.
"We recognize the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and will follow guidelines outlined by government and public health officials. And, we will continue to seek alternatives regarding the return of fans for the 2020 season and will share updates as appropriate. We encourage you to stay safe, and we hope to see you soon."
The Panthers' second home game is scheduled for October 4th vs the Arizona Cardinals. Having nearly an extra month should give the team more time to prepare for the return of fans, to some capacity.
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