Dave Ziegler: Versatility in a Player Highly Important

Raiders General Manager Dave Ziegler has noted that versatility in a player is a very important thing he looks at when potential draftees.
Dave Ziegler: Versatility in a Player Highly Important
Dave Ziegler: Versatility in a Player Highly Important /
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Just like any job, every general manager and the head coach has a slightly different philosophy when it comes to players.

For Las Vegas Raiders General Manager Dave Ziegler, it’s all about being prepared for what’s ahead and what could happen.

That includes injury.

For Ziegler, he sees a lot of value in versatility in a player.

“Versatility is something that's highly important,” Ziegler said. “The more you can do, the more positions you can play, it just improves your depth.”

Ziegler noted that unexpected things can easily happen during the season, especially injuries.

The Raiders have seen themselves get into injury trouble several times since moving to Las Vegas. It’s easier and more helpful when there’s a versatile player who can quickly change positions to what the team needs.

In those unexpected situations that are bound to happen, a versatile player has more value to the Silver and Black when that happens.

“There's going to be injuries along the way during the season,” Ziegler said. “So, if you have a player who can fill in at multiple spots, that's extra value.”

Evidently, it is just like any other job. The more things one can do, the more valuable that individual is to the organization.

“I think the more that you can do, the more we're going to allow you to do, and the more that we can allow you to do just the more value you have for the club,” Ziegler said.

Look for Ziegler and company to keep an eye on versatility when they choose their 2022 draft picks.

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