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Las Vegas Raiders Davante Adams Week 5 Update

The Las Vegas Raiders Davante Adams had his weekly update on the state of the Silver and Black, and we have everything he said.

HENDERSON, Nev.--The Las Vegas Raiders have moved all of their attention off of their first win last week against the Denver Broncos, to their Monday Night Football battle on national TV versus the Kansas City Chiefs.

Davante Adams took time to talk after practice about the state of the team, and to look ahead to the battle at Arrowhead Stadium Monday night. 

You can watch the entire video and read the transcript below:

Wide Receiver Davante Adams

Q: Coach McDaniels said that the run game is the heartbeat of the offense. What did you think of the running game and Josh Jacobs’ performance against Denver?

Adams: “Yeah, I mean, that's a pretty accurate statement. I think the more you can establish the run game, no matter what team you are – some teams obviously, I think Kansas City is one of them, I think the Chargers are another one, that's not really their identity – if you're a team that wants to be balanced, and to establish how tough you are as a team, you got to be able to run the ball well and you got to be able to stop the run. And that's two big parts, ingredients to be able to beat teams like the Chiefs or the Broncos for that matter. So, that's what we need out of Josh [Jacobs]. If given the proper opportunities, you got to go out there and maximize them. He definitely did that, so I'm proud of the way he played."

Q: How much pride do you take in blocking at your position? And how important is it for that part of the game?

Adams: “I was always taught, 'No block, no rock.' That's kind of mentality you got to have. In order for me go make plays down the field, the running backs got to be able to step up and make plays and take on a blitzer in the A gap, and that's not an easy task. I figure if they can do stuff like that, to be able to allow me to go do my job, same thing. And we can be better, too. I feel like I didn't have the best game, run blocking, just based off of their scheme. So, there's always things that you can do to be better. But in order to spring those long runs and have it to where Josh [Jacobs] can go out there and put up a 140, 150, whatever it was, the receivers definitely have to be involved in the run game."

Q: From your experience what are some of the keys to finding consistency in the red zone on offense?

Adams: “I mean, just getting a good call and then being able to go out there and execute in the moment. You're obviously going to be given different looks, you can only practice for what you think they're going to do. And then being able to adjust on the fly, seeing what they're doing and attack whatever coverage it is that they're doing. And if it's a run play, same thing. Guys got to know who to block and be able to reach wherever you have to reach and go take care of your business. So, it comes down to being locked in and knowing your assignment and being disciplined enough to go execute."

Q: Are there games on the schedule that jump out more than others?

Adams: “Any division game, you’ve got to pay a little bit more attention to. We obviously know that those are going to be huge games, and especially against a really good team like this. You can't take anybody lightly, but you’ve definitely got to get up to play a team like this, especially going into their place where the Raiders haven't done a great job in the past, which luckily for us that has nothing to do with this game and this team, this time. But if you look at the past, we haven't done a great job of beating them at their house. So, when you when you hear about things like that, you’ve definitely got to take note of it and find a way to be a little extra tapped in that week to be able to go and do your job."

Q: How important is Tyron Johnson to the offense in terms of 'distracting' opposing defenses?

Adams: “It's huge. And it's equally as important for him to stay tapped in knowing that he doesn't have a million opportunities every week. But to be able to go in and still do his job, which is a lot of times to take the top off the defense. And if they want to cut and go and cover underneath routes, then you’ve got to be able to be awake and alert to make those plays, which he's shown in camp that he can make."

Q: Have you played in Kansas City before?

Adams: “Yeah, I have played there a few times.

Q: People talk about Kansas City having one of the best atmospheres in the NFL and it’s Monday Night Football. What's your experience been like playing there?

Adams: “I mean, since I was a kid, I've always known KC to be like the loudest stadium. I don't know if they've changed the stadium, but I remember people talking about how the stadium was kind of stacked or something. I don't know if it's just the way that it's actually like, just the format of the actual stands, but it's loud every time. A big piece of that is, they make a lot of plays too, so it keeps the crowd kind of going consistently. Only way to neutralize that is to go and make plays for us, whether it's on defense or offense, to kind of quiet them down. But definitely an electric environment. Played them there last year, the game I came off COVID and that's when Aaron [Rodgers] had COVID that game. We obviously lost that game, but in my experience, it's always electric going in Arrowhead.”

Q: Mick Lombardi said yesterday that it's important to kind of forget about a loss and move on, but he also said the same thing about a win, you got to forgot about the win and move on. Is that how you operate too, or do you do like to remember your wins?

Adams: “I mean, you always want to remember it, but you definitely got to have a short memory in terms of the things that are negative. You don't want to keep that in your mind too much, but you also never want to get too high or too low. So, I think that's what he's going for, the idea of if you win, great, handle the success and then be ready to move on and go and do it again. And that's kind of mentality we have right now.”

Q: Is there a learning curve to being able to really do that. Is that what it means to become a pro?

Adams: “Yeah, I mean, the subconscious part of it, I guess, is a little bit. But that's something that you can easily teach someone and tell them if you notice, but for the most part I think that a lot of guys on this team understand, whether they came from other teams and have won games. Obviously, me being in Green Bay, I've gotten used to winning. So, that’s something that I reminded guys, look, we didn't just win the Super Bowl, we beat a good team at home. And that's the standard and that’s what you want to kind of establish in your mind because the more you get used to winning and that's your standard, and it's not as big of a deal. But for me, I hate losing more than I like winning. So, at the end of the day, if I win a game, I'm going to be like, great, that's how it was supposed to be. And I'm not going to be jumping around and all crazy. Obviously, we’ll be excited about it, but there comes a time where by Wednesday at the latest you got to start thinking about the next week.”

Q: A guy that you overlapped with a couple of years at Fresno State - Aaron Judge - of course he broke that record, how cool is it to have overlapped with him at school and see him break that record?

Adams: "It's amazing. I'm extremely proud of him. It's a difficult sport to come in and kind of put your stamp that early the way he did it, and obviously him going to Fresno State had a huge part of that. There's no way he could have done it without going to the best university in the world. But yeah, I mean he's a hell of a guy, and nobody deserves it more in the MLB than him. The way he works and what I know about him - I tried to recruit him over to football and he wasn't having it, and now I see why. But yeah, I'm definitely proud of him and happy for him."

Q: You hear the phrase "iron sharpens iron" - working against the secondary during practice, we've seen it be competitive in OTAs and training camp. How have you seen the secondary progress, coming out in the game and building confidence?

Adams: "The confidence part is the biggest thing. I think that I've noticed a huge shift - not that there wasn't much confidence before, but just seeing the swag those guys play with. They're making plays and starting to get used to making plays the way that they are. It's contagious when I when I see that type of energy, and they send the offense off the field and then we go return a punt. Now I'm even more ready to go after seeing them go out there with that type of juice and energy. It does a lot for the offense, so it's big for them obviously, but it does a lot for the other side of the ball as well.

Q: I've heard you say in interviews that Green Bay is a smaller city, you didn't really get a chance to go out to eat and all that kind of stuff like that. Being in Vegas, it's a bigger city, the Lakers are coming to town. I know you're a hooper, you like basketball. Are you able to enjoy any of that kind of stuff? It's during the season obviously, but are you able to get out and enjoy any of that?

Adams: "More of it was in the offseason and stuff before for camp obviously. But going to dinners and stuff, maybe once a week I'll get an opportunity at most to do that. But it's a lot of business stuff that I've got to take care of and make sure I'm focusing on more so than enjoying basketball games and stuff right now. All that stuff is fun, and I definitely take advantage of it when the time is right, but in season especially with the type of installs we have and just where we are as a team right now, it's more important to be in that book and spending time with my family when I do get that time." 

The Las Vegas Raiders travel to Arrowhead Stadium to take on the Kansas City Chiefs next. That game is on Monday, Oct. 10, and it can be seen on ESPN. The game starts at 8:15 p.m. EDT/5:15 p.m. PDT.

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