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The Black Hole: Go Inside the Raiders Hiring of Josh McDaniels

After speaking with numerous NFL executives, here's what we're hearing on their opinion of the Raiders hiring of Josh McDaniels

HENDERSON, Nev.--People are hungry for information on their beloved Las Vegas Raiders, and I am here with a smorgasbord of food. Let's dig right into the latest on your beloved Silver and Black.

The search for the next coach of the Las Vegas Raiders was intense. People don't care what I think. They want information close to the process. I reached out to seven NFL executives who I personally know for what they think about the Las Vegas Raiders hiring Josh McDaniels.

While it is unfathomable to me, Derek Carr is a lightning rod in the Raider Nation. Despite all of the stats, the number of head coaches, and offensive coordinators, a segment of the Silver and Black fan base despises the man.

While the critics are certainly entitled to their opinion, their thoughts do not match those around the National Football League. As one executive told me, "Those same type of people called Matthew Stafford a loser, and he hung a Lombardi (Super Bowl Championship Trophy) yesterday."

Josh McDaniels and Dave Ziegler were both highly sought-after candidates in their respective NFL positions. A big reason for the appeal of the Raiders was Carr.

· So I asked the gentlemen what they had heard about how the process went down.

· “I was told that Josh and Derek (Carr) had a long communication several days before the hire. Call, text, or through third parties I am not sure, but there was communication. Josh, like a lot of people around the league understood the value of Derek. He had to make sure Derek was on-board with that.”

· “Carr is a smart quarterback. He loved Rich (Bisaccia) but he also knows it is a business. He needs Josh (McDaniels) but Josh needed him. That is a super marriage and Derek is going to kill it.”

· “I know that the Patriots wanted Carr. So as soon as I heard that the possibility of McDaniels I knew what he was thinking. He (McDaniels) failed in Denver for the same reason (Nick) Saban did in Miami and most coaches do, no quarterback.”

· “Josh got what he needed for the right job, a top-flight QB who fits his scheme, and his mentality. Carr is a grinder, so is McDaniels.”

· “Make no mistake, the reason the Raiders were able to make this happen was because of Derek Carr. You can win a Super Bowl with him. The National Football League is a quarterback driven league, the Raiders have one, and Josh knew it.”

· In my discussions with executives around the NFL, I can tell you that one theme that resonated was respect for Mark Davis.

· “I like Mark, always have. I had the feeling the hire was going to be Josh (McDaniels) all along, but unlike Al (Davis), he was thorough.”

· Another said, “When you asked me for your last read (article) who I thought he would hire I said (Jim) Harbaugh. The reason being I didn’t think he would get Josh. Davis surprised a lot of people.”

· An NFC executive said" “I think it was really obvious by the way Mark respected the way the New England Patriots do things, that he wanted Josh. He didn’t approach Josh as a desperate teenager. He made it known he was wanted, but not his only option.”

· He went on to say: “He made it clear to Josh he wanted him, but what impressed Josh the most was how sincere Mark was.”

· “Mark was an open book with Josh. Josh was used to blunt candor from Bill (Belichick) and the Kraft family (Owners of the Patriots), and Mark was candid with no arrogance,” was another opinion.

· “I don’t want to make light of Carr being in Las Vegas, but I'm not sure Josh would be there without (Dave) Ziegler. Not sure the fine people in the media in Las Vegas understand how big of a hire that was.”

· “I told you for your last article that I know the Raider Nation hates all things Patriots. If they do, they should love this hire. You just gutted their future. Zielger is a genius and McDaniels was the best coaching candidate working in the NFL who wasn’t presently a head coach.  They were the future of the Patriots, now they are the future of the Raiders.”

· “When we needed a coach, Josh was at the top of our wish list, and we didn’t get a sniff. Some of these guys are so desperate they will jump at any opportunity, even a bad one. Just look at Jim (Harbaugh). Josh knew he was next in line to run the Patriots, that is why it had to be a very special opportunity to get it.”

· One executive who is familiar with both Ziegler and McDaniels shared a large amount of information.

· “I think Dave and Josh both went into the process intrigued. I wouldn’t say either thought they would be moving to Vegas at the start. But, when they shared their thoughts after meeting with the Raiders brain trust, they walked away stunned.”

· They added, “Both men were thoroughly impressed with Mark. He was firm in what he wanted, but genuine on what he didn’t know. He wowed them with information, and wasn’t afraid to tell them what he didn’t know.”

· One executive said it succinctly: “Every time Al Davis walked into a room, he wanted you to think he was the smartest man. He was smart, but he also made a ton of dumb decisions because he believed he was smarter than everyone else. Mark is smart, but he doesn’t care if you think it. He made it clear to the guys (Ziegler and McDaniels) what he didn’t know and that was refreshing.”

· “Let’s be honest, owners are a pain in the ass. I think Z (Ziegler) and Josh walked away saying, we can work for him.”

· “Bob Kraft is one of the NFL’s best owners. He lets his guys do their jobs. He doesn’t meddle. I was told that they walked away thinking, ‘Holy shit, he is a lot like Mr. Kraft.’ I am convinced that the facility, the QB, the talent all intrigued them, and they took the job because of Mark Davis. That is a helluva big statement about Davis. That guy keeps impressing me.”

· “A big difference in my opinion between Al Davis and Mark Davis is that Al thrived in drama. He loved it, Mark wants everybody on one page, no drama. He got a team in Ziegler and McDaniels. Everyone on one page, it was smart.”

· He added, “I think that hurt Rich (Bisaccia). Mark knew whoever he hired at GM, Rich wasn’t his guy. He wasn’t keeping Mike (Mayock) for whatever reason.”

· So what do the men think of the fit?

· “A lot of people would have shied away from that job. A 10-win team, AFC fifth seed in the playoffs and a popular coach to replace. Josh learned in Denver. He was arrogant. He isn’t anymore, he is a great coach who has learned football humbles you. He isn’t the Josh McDaniels in Denver, he will do well.”

· “Having Ziegler and McDaniels in their respective big chairs at this place in their careers is smart. Mark will give them whatever they need, and they are ready for this task. The AFC is on notice.”

· “Al always wanted to be feared. Mark wants to be respected, and the difference is that Mark wants you to respect the winning, but we don’t have to be enemies. I am shocked Mark got them, but it was a great hire.”

· “No question the best hire in the NFL, and everyone should be excited out there. Ziegler and McDaniels are tight, tight enough to tell the other to F*%@ off when they need it. Ego won’t get in the way, great great hire.”

I can tell you this: Raider Nation has a ton to be excited about. This article is already long, or I could give you many more reasons to be excited about. Keep your eyes out for the next "Black Hole," and please tell your friends about it by sharing it on social media.

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