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Las Vegas Raiders Maxx Crosby Shines vs. New England Patriots

The Las Vegas Raiders are in the midst of joint practices with the Las Vegas Raiders and Maxx Crosby is showing up, and out with a dominating performance.

HENDERSON, Nev.-The Las Vegas Raiders are presently conducting joint practices with the New England Patriots and Maxx Crosby is dominating.

The Raiders superstar is shining, making plays, and leading his young teammates.  He spoke after practice about how things are going.

You can watch the entire press conference below, and read the transcript"

Defensive End Maxx Crosby

Q: I'm sure you've been kind of chomping at the bit to get out on the field against another opponent besides another Raider player. How was it out there competing against the Patriots?

Maxx Crosby: "It was a blast. There's definitely room for improvement. We had a lot of stuff going on, a bunch of different looks, and I feel like we got better. There's things to improve on, but it was great going against somebody else and getting some fresh looks. So, I feel like overall it was it was good day, and we've just got to be better tomorrow."

Q: From that perspective of seeing different looks, seeing different personnel groupings, seeing another team doing it a different way, cadence, all those type of things. How beneficial is that at this point?

Crosby: Yeah, I think it's huge and especially when you're going against obviously Bill Belichick and their regime. They're very smart, and they're always trying to give us different looks and slow us down. That's something Coach McDaniel does as well. So I take it on as a challenge every single day to try to defeat chips, defeat different slides and protections and things like that. I feel like it's just helping us get better. So overall I think it was a great experience and looking forward to tomorrow."

Q: You got a lot of guys back at practice on the defensive line. What are you seeing from the group that was out there today?

Crosby: "I definitely feel like we did some good things. I love being out there with a full group. Bilal [Nichols] is a great player, Cle [Clelin Ferrell], having him back is great. It was a lot of fun. There's definitely some room for improvement. We've just got to keep getting better as a group. Obviously we haven't had a ton of reps together, but we've been in the film room together and we're just trying to talk through things and get better one day at a time.",

Q: How would you describe Bilal Nichols's game and what he brings to the table?

Crosby: "He's been around - he got here in the offseason, so he was here for OTAs and things like that. He's been great since he got here. He's been constantly just trying to learn and improve his game, and I think he's got a lot to offer. He's an absolute baller. He's just got to continue improving and staying healthy, and I think he's going to do a lot of great things for us.

Q: Jermaine Eluemunor has sung your praises lately. He said you've inspired him to change kind of the way he approaches football. You also go against him a lot at practices. How have you seen all that he's done translate on the field?

Crosby: "I saw the video of him talking about that at the end of the day, like that's what it's all about. That's what I try to do, just try to help people and improve, improve everybody around not just myself, but inspire others to get better. Jermain [Eluemunor] has done a lot of great things. He's a good dude, and I want the best for everybody. So like I said, I tell him every day, 'I'm going to give you the best look every single day. I'm not going to take a snap off.' So that's just only going to help him and help other guys on the team, and that's what I try to bring to the table every day."

Q: You talked about the different looks you were getting in joint practice. Will that be enough for you, or would you like to get into at least one preseason game this Friday?

Crosby: "That's not my decision. I don't make those decisions. But it's great, these practices are like our games, going ones versus ones. We're getting one-on-one work, we're getting two-on-two's, we're getting live team reps, stuff like that. So this is our real game reps, and it's just fun going out there and competing against somebody else. Everybody starts getting a little heated, it's hot out here, we're going after it, but we're getting better. That's all you can ask for."

Q: How does it feel to be in the NFL's top 100 list, and how much does that motivate you to be even higher on that list?

Crosby: "It's incredible. I remember watching last year, and I was like, 'I'm gonna be on that. I'm gonna be on that next year,' and I told Rachel that. That's another thing that just helps inspire me. It's not like, 'Ah, I made it now.' It's incredible, but I've just got to keep improving. I want to get higher and higher in everybody's eyes as a player. I want to be the best at what I do. It's awesome getting recognition, but it's just the start."

Q: Tashawn Bower said that 59 wasn't high enough for you (on the NFL top 100 list)...

Crosby: "No comment (laughter). But it is what it is. I feel like it's a big, major respect from fellow peers around the league. I feel like it's a good start for sure."

Q: What did you think about Tashawn Bower's performance on Saturday?

Crosby: " Tashawn has been doing a great job ever since he got here. He's been asking questions, he's been just a great teammate to be around, and just seeing him get more comfortable out there and making plays and everything, it's been incredible. I wish him nothing but the best. We have a lot of guys competing right now and trying to make this team and trying to earn reps and things like that. So whenever you see a guy like that who's just humble and comes in works, I'm going to be rooting for him every single day."

Q: What kind of test did Patriots tackles Trent Brown or Isaiah Wynn give you at practice today?

Crosby: "They're both good players. It was fun. Obviously I know Trent [Brown]. When I was a rookie he was the guy that nobody wanted to go against, and we gained a mutual respect because I wanted to go against him and nobody else wanted to. I've got a ton of respect for him and Isaiah [Wynn] as well - he's done some good things in the league. So yeah, just getting a good look out there and just helping each other get better. I think it was a lot of fun."

Q: Derek Carr said earlier there was an emphasis on no fighting during these joint practices. How much more good work, positive work do you guys get accomplished when there is no fighting?

Crosby: "I just feel like tempers sometimes flare in the heat of the moment, but obviously we don't want to waste time and get out there and someone break a hand or something dumb like that. So there was no fights today I think for the most part. We're off to a good start. It's better than last year."

Q: Do you have a different mindset this camp knowing that you're going to be a dad here in a couple of short months?

Crosby: "Yeah, it's crazy. Yesterday, I think we've got five weeks now. So, it's unreal, it flew by. I'm just super excited, this camp has been super long, a lot going on, Rachel is giving me updates, sending me videos. Seeing a baby kick around in her stomach is like the craziest thing. But it's incredible, it just gives me an extra bit of motivation having a daughter on the way. We've been talking about it for so long and finally it's about to really happen. I can't wait until she gets here. We're gong to have a blast, it's going to be great."

Q: Have you thought about if it's on a Sunday (when your baby is born)?

Crosby: "I've already talked to Coach McDaniels as far as planning for that. We have an emergency team who is going to call me there if she goes into labor and everything like that. We're already ahead of the curve, I feel like it's just going to happen the way it's supposed to happen. I'm not stressing about it."

Q: Last year you called her (Rachel) your hero in saving you in a lot of ways. This year do you feel you're playing two roles coming to practice and then going hone and sort of being her "hero" now helping her go through this pregnancy?

Crosby: "Yeah, it's the same thing. Me and her, she truly is a warrior. She's been through it all. We've been through everything together, and it's rare. She was with me before I ever did anything, ever made a play or anything like that. She's just incredible, and the way she's been handling this has been inspiring. She can piss me off sometimes and be in those moods, but I'm just like, 'Okay, it's okay.' I understand it's not personal. But she's doing great, and we're just fired up to have a little baby girl."

Q: You've always set goals for yourself throughout every season in everything that you do. You obviously want to get to the Hall of Fame. But for this season, have you set a goal for yourself of any sort?

Crosby: "Yeah, there's definitely a few things I want to do. I don't like to make any predictions or anything like that. I kind of keep that to myself, but I'm super fired up. I just want to keep improving and taking that next step. Every single day is an important day for me, and I felt like today was another day where I got better, and I'm trying to make my teammates better - especially as it's hot, we're over month into camp, going against somebody else, doing a lot of different things. But I'm just trying to improve every single day. That's all I can do. I don't try to think too far ahead, think about the past. Today was practice, it happened, I'm going to watch the film, get better from it and show up and be better tomorrow. I'm fired up."

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