Drew Brees' Foundation opens Food Bank and surpasses $40M in donations

New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees and wife Britanny have opened a food bank in Lafayette, LA. The food bank was opened with funding of the $5M the Brees family donated to the state in March.

"After considerable research and conversations with local organizations, we will be mobilizing our partnerships with Second Harvest Food Bank, Ochsner Health Systems, Walk-Ons, Jimmy Johns, Smalls Sliders and Waitr to prepare and deliver over 10,000 meals per day throughout Louisiana"   Drew Brees

1 of every 6 families in New Orleans struggles to put food on the table every day. During the novel coronavirus pandemic, food has become even more of a tremendous need throughout Louisiana. 

New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees announced on March 26th via Instagram that he and his wife, Brittany, were going to commit $5,000,000 to the state of Louisiana because of the COVID-19 outbreak and provide over 10,000 meals a day to children, seniors, and families in need. The Brees' followed through with that promise in a gigantic way on Friday announcing the opening of Second Harvest Food Bank.

We are excited to announce a new Second Harvest Food Bank kitchen in partnership with Catholic Charities of Acadiana in Lafayette, LA that will allow us to produce 15,800 meals per week for children, families, and seniors in need, as well as the homeless throughout southwest Louisiana! - Drew Brees

Second Harvest Food Bank thanked the Brees' on Facebook saying, "Thank you both for funding a new Community Kitchen in our Lafayette facility... #WhoDat say they gonna beat hunger?"

Brees and his foundation have continued to pledge support to worthy causes in the Gulf Coast region. The Brees Dream Foundation has contributed over $40 million to charitable causes across the world. 

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Brendan Boylan

Brendan Boylan is a Sports Commentator, Writer, Fantasy Football Analyst, and Award-Winning Filmmaker. During his sports media career, Boylan has covered the NFL, NBA, and NCAA. He currently serves as a Contributing Writer and Fantasy Football analyst for Saints News Network and a Play-by-Play Commentator on the ESPN family of networks.  He can be followed on Twitter and Instagram @btboylan.