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Taysom Hill's Great Interview With a Young Idaho Reporter

Taysom Hill had a great eye-opening interview with young East Idaho youth reporter Emmy Eaton, and she did a terrific job.

Taysom Hill had a great eye-opening interview with young East Idaho youth reporter Emmy Eaton, and she did a terrific job. 

Definitely remember her name as she conducted a very professional interview with Hill.

Emmy had seven questions for the New Orleans quarterback to answer for her viewers and several bonus questions.

Young Reporter Interview - Taysom Hill

Since Taysom is a native of Pocatello, Idaho, the Idaho connection between the two was strong in the Q & A session.

A few of Hill's answers from the interview could interest Saints fans.

The lead question was a good one.

Emmy:  Do you still get nervous before your football games?

Taysom:  "I've always, you know, as you start playing. Ever since I was a little kid, I always had a little nerves getting ready for each of those games.  So nerves never go away.  Even at this level. But I would say they're good. You know, because you want to do well, you want to play well and put yourself in the best situation to win. So there's definitely still a little there. But, but nothing too crazy."

Emmy:  What is the biggest thing you've learned playing football?

Taysom:  "I would say the biggest lesson that I've learned is probably self-discipline.   You know so much of football is you have to take care of your body.  There's so much about playing my position where mentally you have to prepare.  In such a unique way so you can play the high level.  So if you don't take everything seriously if you don't have a good routine, if you're not doing all those things, you're not going to be successful, so it really has to be self-discipline, and how I manage my time, you know what foods I eat, how I train, how I prepare and that's really what sticks out.

Taysom answered more questions about being a Dad, something surprising about him, his favorite restaurant in Idaho, role models, and his different career choice other than football.

Emmy's first bonus question and Hill's answer gave us a glimpse into "a typical day" for Hill during a football season.

Taysom responded, "Great question.  So it starts early. I used to wake up at 6 AM.  I come to the building [Saints Training Facility].  I watch the [game]film. I kind of getting ready for the day.  I have breakfast.  Then we have a team meeting that starts at nine o'clock a.m.  And, then we have a team meeting.  I go to a few other meetings. We have practice in the afternoon.  We watch a little more film after practice.  And, then I usually stay late just to finalize what we went over that day.  I usually get home around 7 PM.  I would say that that's a pretty typical day for me during the season."

If you ever heard Drew Brees describing his day in the life of being the Saints quarterback, it's awfully similar to Taysom's description.

Hill be in a heated competition with five-year veteran quarterback Jameis Winston during Saints training camp.

Head coach Sean Payton is allowing the QB contest after Drew Brees decided to retire after 20 seasons in the NFL.

You can read and watch Emmy Eaton's complete interview with Taysom Hill at or YouTube. Also, connect and support her on Facebook.