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Charissa Thompson Shocks Sherm With 'Meet The Parents' Off-Color Joke

Charissa Thompson Shocks Seattle Seahawks Ex Richard Sherman With 'Meet The Parents' Off-Color Body-Part Joke on Live TV
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TV hostess Charissa Thompson has revealed herself to be a fan of the movie "Meet the Parents.''

Seattle Seahawks legend Richard Sherman has revealed himself to be unaware of the Ben Stiller vs. Robert De Niro comedy.

And it all played out live, on national TV, with some out-of-context interpretations leaving many to wonder why Thompson is discussing her "nipples'' with Sherm.

As part of the Prime Video postgame show on Thursday night, the gang exchanged Christmas presents. Thompson received a TNF-themed bucket.

Fitzpatrick told Thompson, "It's a dairy pail for when you milk the cows."

char shern

We're not sure we get that. Does Thompson work on a farm? Own cows? Huh?

In any event, Thompson decided to respond to that comment with a line from "Meet the Parents."

She said, quoting De Niro's line to his beleaguered son-in-law to be (Stiller): "I’ve got nipples. Could you milk me, Greg?”

Sherman reacted by twisting his face in a way demonstrating ... well, disbelief. And ignorance regarding the 2000 rom-com in which one of the running jokes is that Stiller's character is named "Greg Focker.'' (Get it!?)

Thompson actually showed some quick-witted comedy chops here; assuming this wasn't all staged (as most of these shows are), her response was sweet ... had we all been at a friends-and-family holiday party.

As it played out? It stands as both clever and bizarre ... and maybe inspiration for Sherm to look up "comedies'' tonight on Netflix.