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Mike Tomlin Laughs Off Steelers Hosting Hard Knocks

Pittsburgh Steelers head coach, Mike Tomlin, didn't say he was opposed to Hard Knocks.

PITTSBURGH -- There was no way anything could've been as wild of a ride as the Steelers' 2018 season - until 2019. In the last 17 weeks, Pittsburgh has watched everything and anything it could happen, in both positive and negative ways, happen to their football team. 

From losing a franchise quarterback, 'Duck Mania', winning 8 of 10 and missing the playoffs on a Week 17 push for the second year in a row, the Steelers have see it all.

After a year of constant headlines, a question has risen regarding some extra camera crews around Latrobe this July. As one of five teams that fit the three criteria of Hard Knocks - does not have a first-year head coach, missed the playoffs the past two seasons, has not been featured on the show in a decade - the Steelers could be an early front-runner for the show. 

 When asked if he's given any thought to hosting Hard Knocks, Tomlin was quick.

"I don't."

Followed with the question, would you do it if the they asked? Tomlin laughed, "asked?" 

The Steelers are the last remaining AFC North team to not be featured on the HBO show. This is the first time Pittsburgh has missed the postseason in back-to-back years since 2012-2013.