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C.J. Stroud Compares to Chiefs Patrick Mahomes? Houston Texans QB's Skip Bayless Good and Bad News

Nothing Good Ever Happens Once It's Touched By Skip Bayless ... So Heads-Up Here ... C.J. Stroud Compares to Chiefs Patrick Mahomes? Houston Texans QB's Good and Bad News
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Rookie quarterback C.J. Stroud is off to an impressive career start almost in every way and almost by any measure. He is shattering the Houston Texans record book and has put himself in that same category when it comes to NFL records for rookies.

Fortunately, Stroud - the No. 2 pick in the recent NFL Draft who has led Houston to an entertainingly surprising 5-4 record - already understands how to tune out the "white noise.''


“It’s been cool to be able to be in the (MVP) talk,'' Stroud said this week when that lofty subject was broached. "But just like they love me this week, they’ll hate me the next. ... So, I don’t try to look at that stuff.''

Good for him, but here comes the "unfortunate'' part, the bad news of hangers-on and leeches to counterbalance the aforementioned "surprising'' and "entertaining'' good news:

Its name is "Skip Bayless.''

Bayless has made a career of being a outrageously contrarian troll (he has for 30 years flipped and flopped about being a "life-long Dallas Cowboys fan,'' changing his on-air affiliation when it benefits him financially) and of being a fugazi football expert. (In this FS1 segment, he "admits'' he didn't fully scout Stroud at Ohio State because he didn't watch "coaches film'' on him ... as if utilizing his scouting talent is something Bayless would normally do.)

Here's the irresponsible fraud Bayless making the comparison of Stroud to ...  Kansas City Chiefs superstar Patrick Mahomes.

This is, of course, nonsense. Stroud's performance has been great (worthy of MVP votes, even!) and his promise may even be greater. But the hyperbolic nonsense from Bayless - whose football knowledge collected all together wouldn't fill up a pre-teen's jock strap - actually does a disservice to all involved. ... including the viewer and Stroud himself.

The Texans' bar of expectations with C.J. Stroud are high, but must be managed wisely. ... and it is best accomplished without human barnacles like Skip Bayless injecting his poisonous and dimwitted thoughts into that management and into those expectations.