Laura Ingraham's Defense Of Drew Brees Is Wildly Hypocritical

Laura Ingraham is defending Drew Brees speaking out, despite telling NBA stars to "shut up and dribble".

Laura Ingraham of Fox News once famously told LeBron James and Kevin Durant to "shut up and dribble" when they publicly expressed their social and political views. Now she has staunchly defended Drew Brees for what he had to say about NFL protests. Sports Illustrated host Robin Lundberg discussed Ingraham's hypocrisy and how people should respond to them with SI media columnist Jimmy Traina in today's edition of "Traina Thoughts". 

Read below for full transcript:

Robin Lundberg: Fox News's Laura Ingraham once famously told LeBron James and Kevin Durant to shut up and dribble after they expressed their political opinions and now has staunchly defended what Drew Brees said. For more, I'm joined by our media columnist Jimmy Traina. Jimmy, I would say calling these comments by Laura Ingraham astonishingly hypocritical would be being nice.

Jimmy Traina: Yes. And would I call these comments surprising? Not at all. Straight out of the Fox News playbook. You know, for us to even discuss this, I don't get it. Like, the video speaks for itself. There she is bashing LeBron for speaking out on his political beliefs. And then last night saying Drew Brees has a voice. He deserves to be heard. What more do you need to see?

Robin Lundberg: I think you're correct, Jimmy. And if we waste our energy having these sort of debates and arguments where we're really taking away from the root issues at the moment. But how would you suggest that people handle this? Just ignore it and move on?

Jimmy Traina: Well, listen. There are probably people in all of our lives, unfortunately, who watch Fox News, especially if they're like 65 and older, because that's their entire audience. I think all you can do is just beg of those people to either not watch it, try to watch something else, try to get their news somewhere else. Most of them are lost causes at this point. But you can try to explain to one person that they just lie on a daily basis. Maybe you can help one person see the light. 
