Flyers Fan Brought Emotional Support Alligator to Game and Sports World Was Stunned

A Flyers fan turned heads at the Wells Fargo Center on Monday night, having been granted entrance to the game against the Hurricanes with his emotional support alligator.
The fan, Joie Henney, and his alligator, Wally, were photographed in the stadium, with the reptile being held by its owner as he walked around the building.
In September, the pair attempted to attend a Phillies game but was denied entrance to the stadium because Citizens Bank Park only allows service animals on the premises, not emotional support animals.
Things went better for Henney and Wally on Monday, as they were able to get into the arena to catch Philadelphia’s clash with Carolina.
Wally even got some special attention from the Flyers’ beloved mascot, Gritty, who could be seen dancing and pumping up the crowd while clutching onto the emotional support alligator during the “Lion King Cam.”
As I’m sure many of you have seen by now, there is an emotional support alligator at tonight’s game. 🐊
— Walt Ruff (@WaltRuff) October 30, 2023
And not only is it here, but Gritty is holding it during the Lion King Cam.
Philadelphia, y’all.
Unsurprisingly, an alligator attending a hockey game generated quite a response on social media, as the sports world was awestruck by the appearance of Henney and Wally.
The emotional support alligator has entered the building. #chompchomp #letsgoflyers
— amy 38Photography (@flyersgirl38) October 30, 2023
Have to wonder if the Phillies postseason collapse was correlated to not letting Wally the Alligator in the stadium
— Life of a Philly Fan (@PhillyFanLife) October 30, 2023
dudes rock
— Jordan Cicchelli 🤍 (@jordancicchelli) October 30, 2023
can the alligator kill penalties
— Madeline Campbell (@madelinecampbll) October 30, 2023
Put this image on the Stanley Cup ring
— Justin Lever ❤️⚾️ (@JustinLever3) October 30, 2023
This is the best day of his life
— Gators Daily 🐊 (@GatorsDaily) October 30, 2023