Painter Capturing Eiffel Tower in Middle of Beach Volleyball Match Was Iconic

Beach volleyball at the Paris Games has one of the most iconic setups as far as scenery goes. It's outside, of course, and played in a temporary stadium which sits in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, the most recognizable icon in Paris.
It has already made for stunning photographs and incredible scenes for viewers both in person and on television. On Saturday, a painter also got the chance to sit back and document the view artistically. Here's a glimpse at the artist in action:
There’s a guy painting the Eiffel Tower as the beach volleyball plays on. Amazing.
— Jay Busbee (@jaybusbee) July 27, 2024
It doesn't get much better than that.
The stadium is entirely exposed to allow fans to take in the stunning scenes surrounding it, but that also left it open to the elements. On Saturday, that included plenty of rain. Honestly, for the view, most would say it's a worthy price to pay.
The Olympics rage on until the closing ceremony on August 11, with beach volleyball playing virtually the entire length of the games. The final medal match is on the 10th.