What to Expect on Your First Whitewater Rafting Trip

Your first whitewater rafting trip will be full of adventure, excitement, and perhaps nerves. Ease your mind by going into the trip prepared and knowing what to expect.
Whitewater Rafting Trip
Whitewater Rafting Trip / Unsplash

Whitewater rafting is a memorable adventure that is likely to leave you wanting more. However, as with any new endeavor, you may be experiencing some anxiety about your first trip. This guide will provide you with some insight as to what you can expect from your whitewater adventure.

You Will Experience a Safety Talk

Prior to any whitewater trip, the guides will deliver a thorough safety talk. This talk will encompass everything from holding the paddles properly to what to do if you fall out of the raft. Your guide will also check your PFD and helmet to ensure they are secure. The ultimate goal of every whitewater adventure is to finish the trip happy and safe. Pay close attention to this safety talk, but know that your guide is there to assist you every step of the way.

You Will Learn Paddling Commands

Before encountering your first rapid, your guide will help everyone get loaded into the raft and review paddling commands. Throughout your trip down the river, you will routinely hear your guide yell directions to you and your crew. These commands may include forward 2 strokes, hit the deck, and all back. Whitewater rafting takes teamwork and collaboration from all crew members. When your guide calls a command, the purpose is to get the raft in the best position for each rapid and to keep the raft moving in the right direction. A lighthearted term commonly used in the whitewater community is Lily Dipper, which is a paddler who isn’t digging their paddle into the water. When your guide calls a command, give each stroke your all and dig into the water.

Prepare To Get Wet

While taking a swim after going through a rapid isn’t unheard of, the general objective is to stay in the raft. Even if you remain in the raft throughout the trip, expect to get soaked as part of whitewater rafting involves surfing. With surfing, your guide will take you through a rapid, “eddy out,” then return to the hole at the rapid where the raft will ideally stop and get caught without flipping over. This is often a customer favorite and is sure to get you soaked.

Expect Endless Laughter 

Your guide, while there to keep the crew safe, is also a river comedian. Expect corny dad jokes, fun banter, and stories from the river while on your trip. There are going to be calm sections on the river where the group can relax, take in the scenery, and enjoy the guide’s friendly humor.

You Won’t Be Alone

Most whitewater rafting outfitters have a safety boater, often in a kayak, joining each trip. This individual is there to keep an eye on each raft and is prepared to assist in any situation that may arise. Along with the safety boater, your trip is likely to be joined by other rafts. Each raft has at least one guide who is located in the back of the boat. On your journey, you will notice the guides checking in on the other groups.

Final Notes

Whitewater rafting is designed to be an enjoyable and thrilling experience for all. Your licensed guide will be skilled at reading water, navigating rapids, and river safety protocols. By having a basic understanding of what to expect on your first whitewater trip, you will set yourself up for success.

Maria Aldrich