Which Colleges Offer Best Adventure Degrees for Aspiring Outdoor Professionals?

Discover colleges throughout the United States that offer unique degrees in outdoor recreation and adventure sports.
Group of Hikers on the Trail
Group of Hikers on the Trail / Unsplash

With adventure sports and outdoor recreation growing in popularity, it is not a surprise that more colleges are starting to offer adventure programs. Throughout the United States, several colleges are taking students into the backcountry and training them to become outdoor professionals. After graduation, these students often become climbing or ski guides, educators, or National Park Service Rangers. An adventure degree opens many doors for students who are looking to live an outdoor lifestyle.

Northern Vermont University

Offering a degree in Outdoor Education, Leadership, and Tourism, this college sets students up for success by providing them with opportunities to earn their Wilderness First Responder certification, along with certifications in canoeing, climbing, and Leave No Trace. Students have the choice of concentrating in Adventure Education or Mountain Resort Management.

Central Michigan University

This program, Outdoor and Environmental Recreation, is accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism, and Related Professions (COAPRT). After completing this proogram, most students will have earned certifications in LNT Trainer, American Canoe Association Canoe Touring Instructor, and Wilderness First Responder.

SUNY Plattsburgh

Located right next to the Adirondacks Mountains in New York State, this school is in a prime location for all things adventure. Students majoring in Expeditionary Studies at SUNY Plattsburgh take multiple courses on rock climbing, ice climbing, paddling and whitewater sports, expedition planning, and Wilderness First Responder.

Alaska Pacific University

Alaska Pacific University offers a program in Outdoor Studies with a unique twist. Not only are students able to work on climbing systems and techniques, but they also learn about dog mushing, sea kayaking, nordic skiing, and GIS and remote sensing. Along with these skills, students learn about Alaska's natural history, oceanography, and glaciology.

Oregon State University

While students earn their degree in Tourism Recreation and Adventure Leadership at Oregon State University, they will take classes on outdoor living skills, rock climbing, whitewater kayaking, mountain expeditions, and Wilderness First Responder. As a TRAL (Tourism Recreation and Adventure Leadership) student, you will have the options of focusing on Outdoor Recreation Management, Sustainable Tourism Management, Adventure Leadership Education, or Nature, Eco, and Adventure Tourism.

Western Colorado University

Located in the adventure-loving state of Colorado, this school has had great success with their Recreation and Outdoor Education program. Some of their students have went on to work with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), Outward Bound, and the National Park Service. Some of their course offerings include recreation philosophy and ethics, outdoor pursuits on land, snow, and water, and sustainability.

Choosing the right college for you takes time and research. If you hope to become an outdoor professional, attending one of these schools will help you do that and will allow you to build connections along the way.

Maria Aldrich