Youngster Pulls Off Incredible Feat, Becomes Youngest Master Scuba Diver in History

Learn how this 12-year-old scuba diver broke records by becoming the youngest PADI Master Scuba Diver.
Scuba Diver in the Water
Scuba Diver in the Water / Unsplash

Matteo Miller, an astounding 12-year old scuba diver, has become the youngest PADI Master Scuba Diver.

According to the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), fewer than 2 percent of divers earn this rating. To accomplish such a feat, divers must meet specific requirements. To become a Master Scuba Diver, individuals must be at east 12 years of age and earn certifications in PADI Open Water Diver, PADI Advanced Open Water, PADI Rescue Diver (or equivalent), and must complete a minimum of 50 dives. This was not a problem for Matteo Miller who completed the requirements at Diver's Paradise Dive Center in Florida.

Miller, who is now 12-years old, has been working toward a life of adventure from an even younger age. When he was 8-years-old, he was involved with the PADI Seal Team program. At 12-years-old, he took part in the PADI Junior Open Water course. After continuing to gain experience over the years, Miller has attained certifications in Junior Adventure Diver, Boat Diver, Underwater Photographer, Fish Identification, Underwater Navigation, and Peak Performance Buoyancy.

Miller explained that he feels free in the water and told NewsNation, "I can go to the same spot 200 times and I'll never see the same thing. It's just so calm and peaceful down there."

His parents, Paul and Valentina Miller, signed Matteo Miller up for his first scuba diving class at age 8. From there, he grew a love for the water and expressed interest in learning more.

The managing director, Michael Casey, at Diver's Paradise Dive Center told a source, "Just being able to champion this young man for his accomplishments is so nice. You hear of so much bad stuff going on, so it's nice to celebrate the wonderful things like this... This young man's got it, without a doubt."

On school breaks and time off from the life of a typical 12-year-old, Miller furthers his diving career. As proven by his accomplishments, he is a determined young man who has a life full of adventure ahead of him.

Maria Aldrich