One Woman Sets Impressive New Record on the Appalachian Trail This Week

A new Fastest Known Time (FKT) has been set on the strenuous Appalachian Trail earlier this week.
Appalachian Trail signage
Appalachian Trail signage / Unsplash

On September 21, the Appalachian Trail saw a new Fastest Known Time (FKT). The previous overall record for the 2,197-mile trail was set in 2018 by Karel Sabbe, for a time of 41 days, 7 hours, and 39 minutes. Now, that record has been broken by shaving off 13 hours.

31-year-old Tara Dower is an experienced endurance athlete who diligently planned and trained for this challenge. Dower completed her journey on Saturday for a time of 40 days, 18 hours, and 5 minutes.

To put this tremendous achievement into perspective, it takes the average hiker 5-7 months to complete the trail, according to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. Moreover, hikers need to plan ahead to resupply their food and water along the way.

This iconic trail takes hikers through 14 states, running from Maine to Georgia. Dower clocked in approximately 54 miles per day as she navigated her way through each state.

This record-breaking feat is not the first time Dower has set a speed record; her endurance resume is extensive. In 2023, she beat a long-standing record on the Colorado Trail, creating a new FKT of 8 days, 21 hours, and 59 minutes. Additionally, Dower completed the Benton MacKaye Trail in 4 days, 21 hours, and 25 minutes. Her resume doesn't end here, however, as she has a lengthy list of speed records that she has broken over time.

While breaking the record was a goal of Dower's, she had another motive in mind which involved raising money for Girls on the Run.

She stated on her website, "My goal is to raise $20,000 for Girls on the Run during my Appalachian Trail Fastest Known Time attempt. My hope is to inspire women and girls to go for that tough goal no matter if it's with running or in life."

Dower's fundraising efforts surpasses her initial goal of $20,000. By the time she finished her challenge, she had raised an whopping $21,076.

To learn more about Dower and her athletic journey, visit her YouTube channel where she shares her adventures and accomplishments with viewers.

Maria Aldrich