Hiking Lovers Must Visit 'America's Everest' in New Hampshire

If you're a lover of hiking, a visit to "America's Everest" in New Hampshire is a trip you have to make.
Photo via Unsplash

Every single hiker's dream is to climb Mount Everest. While many have the dream, very few get the opportunity to pursue it.

One of the main issues is logistics. Many people can't make that kind of trip. However, there is an option for people in the United States to have a Mount Everest inspired hike.

In New Hampshire, Mount Washington offers an amazing hiking experience. It has actually been called "America's Everest."

While Mount Washington is much smaller than Mount Everest, only a fifth of its size, it offers similar dangers and an exhilarating experience.

Mount Washington is home to wild weather, with the highest wind speed recorded at 231 miles per hour. It is also an extremely cold hike, just like Mount Everest. The lowest temperature ever recorded there is negative 46.7 degrees Fahrenheit.

While not as famed as Mount Everest, the risks of climbing Mount Washington are also high. There have been more than 160 deaths while climbing the mountain. It holds the second ranking for most deaths among mountains.

Arguably the most wild fact about Mount Everest is the amount of bodies that are still on the mountain. That isn't the case with Mount Washington, but it's still a very dangerous and difficult hike.

If you were to make it to the peak, you would stand at 6,288 feet. Many have reported experiencing mountain sickness when reaching that point.

Taking a trip to conquer this challenging climb would be the pinnacle of United State hiking entertainment. However, make sure to use caution. It may not be Mount Everest, but Mount Washington comes with extreme risks.

Evan Massey