Shocking Scenes Are Shown as Massive Flooding Ravages Nepal's Everest Region

The Mt. Everest region in Nepal is currently being ravaged by glacial lake flooding and endangering human lives.
Sebastian Pena Lambarri

The Thame, Solukhumbu district in the Everest region of Nepal is currently facing incredibly powerful and destructive glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs).

Recent surveys have shown that the first lake burst triggered a second one, which caused incredible damage and ravaged the downstream areas.

This area is home to the world's tallest mountains but the intricate ecosystems are incredibly fragile and are only getting more volatile as global warming across the region takes place. This is making glaciers and snow melt at increased rates which then can cause that extra water to reach lakes never reached before.

This also increases the chances of disasters other than floods such as avalanches and landslides.

Many of the larger glacial lakes are monitored and contained, but with more and more water being introduced to the region, smaller lakes, which are not monitored and contained, are at risk of disaster such as this incident exemplified.

This flood is ravaging the region and is endangering not just personal property but human lives. It has now gotten to the point where many locals are lobbying the Nepalese government at the national level to take action to help stem and reverse the course of the climate change in the region and to help mitigate disasters.

As of right now, over 135 people have been displaced by the glacial floods and the only recourse is increased monitoring and containment of these smaller lakes at higher altitudes.

Kade Kistner