The Sleep Protocol to Optimize Performance, Wellness, and Longevity
During the night, our brain cycles through two major types of sleep. Non-REM sleep involves high amplitude, low frequency rhythms, whereas REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is characterized by low amplitude, high-frequency EEG rhythms. There are 4 stage of non-REM sleep that occurs before we reach the REM stage. According to results from physiological measurements, REM and non-REM sleep seem as different from each other as either is from wakefulness. The first state in a sleep cycle is light sleep (non-REM stage 1), followed by deeper sleep (non-REM stages 2-4), and a dream state referred to as REM-sleep. After the first REM stage is completed we cycle back down through non-REM stages, 4, 3, and 2 before cycling back up through them again to REM. A full sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes the first time through and is normally repeated several times each night, growing shorter each time. The last two sleep cycles of the night are usually alternations between stage 2 and REM sleep. Brains that are deprived of REM sleep will subsequently produce more of it (i.e., REM “rebound”). It is likely that each cycle of sleep has distinct neurorestorative processes.
Also relevant to our understanding of sleep are our circadian rhythms. These are cycles of sleep and wakefulness lasting about one day. Circadian rhythms occurring in an environment free of natural time cues (e.g., living in a dark cave) stabilize at a little over 24 hours. At any given moment our degree of alertness depends in part where we are in our circadian rhythm. People fall somewhere on a continuum, with “morning people” being on one end and “evening people” being on the other end of that continuum, but this changes as we age. Young people tend to be “evening people” or to have no preference; while older people (e.g., over 65) are “morning people.” There is reason to believe that nocturnal lighting, especially the “blue” lights of computer screens and smart phones have a disruptive effect on our circadian rhythms.
Although many aspects of sleep remain scientifically mysterious to us, there is no question that getting sufficient amounts of quality sleep on a regular basis is one the pillars of human health and wellbeing. Most adults require 7-9 hours of sleep per night for optimal health. Some people need less sleep than others – there are individual variations around the universally acknowledged 8 hours. The quality of sleep during those hours is also important. Sleep efficiency is the ratio of the total time spent asleep in a night compared to the total amount of time spent in bed (a sleep efficiency of 85% is typical).
There are both psychological and physical consequences associated with chronic sleep deprivation. Negative psychological consequences of chronic sleep deprivation include: irritability, cognitive impairment, memory loss, impaired moral judgment, impaired judgment regarding risk taking, impulsivity, restlessness, distractibility, poor concentration, depression, and, in acute situations, even hallucinations and paranoia.
The physical and medical effects on the human body are also profound. Chronic sleep deprivation contributes to: impaired immune functioning, increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, increased risk of heart disease, obesity, impaired psychomotor skills, and body aches and pains.
All living animals sleep, but there is a wide range of sleep needs across species, with humans somewhat in the middle of that range. For example, horses (2.9 hours/day) and cows (3.9 hours/day) need very little sleep compared to humans (8 hours/day), cats (14.5 hours/day), and bats (19.9 hours/day).
The Sleep Protocol
Sleep schedule:
- It’s important to keep a regular and consistent sleep schedule
- Go to bed about the same time every night; get up about the same time every morning
- Avoid going to bed late and sleeping in on weekends
- Limit daytime napping
Sleep environment:
- At night your bedroom should be a sanctuary and it should be:
- Very dark (though leave the shades cracked so some natural light is allowed to come in the morning)
- Very quiet
- Very cool (68 degrees is ideal for sleeping, as long as there are blankets on the bed)
- Be sure you have a comfortable mattress, bedding, and pillows
- Do not run the television at night, and it is best to not even keep one in your bedroom
- Do not keep a visible clock near your bed
- Do not leave your phone within reach of your bed and do not leave the ringer on
- Try to get 10-20 minutes of sunlight early in the morning, this helps synchronize your hormones and circadian rhythms.
- Keep a regular schedule for sleep – go to bed and get up at the same times every day
- Protect the time right before bed and develop a relaxing routine that includes:
- Spend some quiet time with yourself immediately before going to bed – listen to soothing music, meditate, pray, practice deep breathing, and/or read a calming book, though not in your bedroom
- Hot showers or baths immediately before bed change body temperature and prepare us for sleep
- For at least an hour or two before going to bed do not argue with a spouse or do anything even slightly stressful or activating (i.e., do not pay bills, do not work, do not read emails)
- For at least an hour or two before going to bed do not expose your eyes to light from a computer, tablet, or smart phone screen – the unique “blue” light these emit effects your eyes and brain in a way that impairs sleep
- Use your bed for sleeping and sex only;
- If after going to bed you are awake for longer than 20-30 minutes or so, it is recommended that you get up and do something relaxing in another part of the house. When you begin to feel sleepy again, go back to bed. This strategy will help to train you to sleep better in your bed
- Do not watch a clock – in fact, as suggested above, do not even keep a visible clock in your bedroom
- Consider using a sleep sound machine at night. Many people find that some type of constant, gentle noise in their sleep environment helps to block out other external sounds and lull them to sleep. Sleep sound machines typically provide a range of options, including “white noise,” “rain,” “babbling brook,” “waves,” “thunder storm,” and many others. According to a large survey conducted by Consumer Reports several years ago, sound machines were found to be one of the most effective strategies for promoting quality sleep.
- Exercise regularly, preferably in the morning – and not after 2pm
- A combination of regular aerobic and strength training is important for maximizing health and sleep
Diet and Substances:
- Alcohol may seem to relax and help you sleep, but it interferes with the quality of sleep by impairing your brain’s ability to go through the sleep cycles – and often leads to middle-of-the-night awakening, reduced REM sleep, and fragmented sleep.
- Be aware that caffeine after midday impairs sleep for most people because it has a long half-life and stays in your system for 12 hours or so
- Nicotine contributes to fragmented sleep
- Avoid large meals close to bedtime
- Eliminate or at least limit your consumption of soda, especially after midday
- Eat a diet high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats
- Eliminate most added sugar and processed foods (i.e., junk food, fast food, frozen food)
B. Christopher Frueh, PhD is a novelist, clinical psychologist, professor of psychology at the University of Hawaii, and chair of the SEAL Future Foundation medical advisory board. He has thirty years of professional experience working with the veterans/military community, has conducted clinical trials, epidemiological, and neuroscientific research, and has authored 9 fictional crime novels and co-authored over 300 scientific publications. This article is excerpted from “Operator Syndrome” (Ballast Books, 2024).