Don't Quit: How Gwendolyn Bounds’ Approach to Overcoming Obstacles Can Help You Get Back on Track

Life throws obstacles at all of us, but as Gwendolyn Bounds explains, the key to moving forward isn't about avoiding setbacks but how you get back up. Here's how to apply her advice to break through barriers and keep pushing.
Don't Quit: How Gwendolyn Bounds’ Approach to Overcoming Obstacles Can Help You Get Back on Track
Don't Quit: How Gwendolyn Bounds’ Approach to Overcoming Obstacles Can Help You Get Back on Track / The Everyday Warrior Nation

Life is full of obstacles, and no matter who you are, everyone faces moments of doubt and frustration. Sometimes, the biggest challenge isn't the obstacle but the mindset that follows when things don't go according to plan. Gwendolyn Bounds, author of Not Too Late: The Power of Pushing Limits at Any Age, offers simple yet profound advice: don't quit. Her approach to overcoming obstacles in life can serve as an invaluable guide for anyone struggling to stay on course.

Understanding the Barriers We Face

In her conversation, Bounds discusses the different barriers we all face in life—whether in our personal goals, careers, or physical challenges. "What is your barrier? What is your wall?" she asks. This simple question encourages reflection on what is holding us back. By identifying our personal obstacles, we can tackle them more effectively.

Bounds' book is structured around metaphors for life's obstacles, much like those found in obstacle course racing—a sport she has embraced. She explains that these obstacles mirror the ones we face in life. Whether it's fear of failure, self-doubt, or external pressures, the key is not in avoiding these obstacles but in learning how to push through them.

Getting Stuck Doesn’t Mean You’re Failing

It's easy to get caught up in the idea that we must always perform perfectly. We set high expectations for ourselves, and when we fall short, it can be tempting to quit. This mindset is something Bounds strongly advises against. "If you don't get it done one day, don't quit," she says. This is a vital lesson for anyone struggling with setbacks.

Bounds talks about her training experiences, where she couldn't always hit the marks she wanted. Instead of getting discouraged and giving up, she consciously decided to keep moving forward the next day. "There are moments when I have not been able to hit every mark I wanted to hit in my training," she shares. "Instead of getting into a funk the next day and just saying, 'What's the point?' I just get back at it the next day."

This attitude is crucial to overcoming obstacles in fitness and life. We all have off days, but it's important not to let one bad day become an excuse to quit. Progress isn't linear, and sometimes life will throw us off course. What matters most is how we respond to those moments. The next day is a fresh opportunity to pick ourselves up and continue the journey.

Embrace the Imperfection of the Journey

Bounds reminds us that it's okay not to be perfect. In a world where social media showcases everyone's highlight reels, it's easy to feel inadequate when you don't meet your expectations. However, as Bounds notes, imperfection is part of the process. Life's obstacles are not meant to be easily overcome. They exist to test our resilience, patience, and determination.

By embracing the struggle, we can allow ourselves the freedom to make mistakes and grow from them. Whether it's training for an athletic goal, tackling a career challenge, or pursuing a new hobby, not every day will be a win. The key is persistence—continuing even when the odds seem stacked against you.

Keep Moving Forward

Ultimately, Gwendolyn Bounds' message is clear: don't quit, no matter what life throws at you. Even if you falter, the choice to get back up and keep going matters. Obstacles are inevitable, but how we face them defines who we are. If you are stuck or frustrated, remember that tomorrow is a new day. Dust yourself off, and as Bounds puts it, "get back at it."

Her advice isn't just about physical endurance but mental toughness and resilience. By shifting our mindset to embrace the ups and downs of life, we give ourselves permission to fail, learn, and ultimately succeed. So, the next time you face an obstacle, remember: don't quit. Keep pushing forward, and you'll find a way to break through.

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