Embracing Discernment and Overcoming Generational Programming

Brandon Epstein talks about overcoming generational fear and programming.
Embracing Discernment and Overcoming Generational Programming
Embracing Discernment and Overcoming Generational Programming / The Everyday Warrior Nation

We live in a society that’s addicted to fear. But here’s the truth: if we ever want to grow, both as individuals and as a species, we have to overcome it. Fear isn’t something adults need to live with; we should rely on our perception instead.

Take a simple example of walking into traffic. You don’t need to be afraid of the cars to understand it’s dangerous. Your judgment tells you to avoid it. An intrinsic understanding of what a 3-ton piece of metal moving at high velocity can do to a human body tells you to avoid it. The real achievement in life is learning to move beyond fear and make decisions not based on it.

Overcoming fear isn’t easy. The first step is realizing that fear has been programmed into us from the time we were born. It’s been passed down through generations like a bad penny. Our parents were conditioned by fear, their parents before them, and so on. We’re born into a world of fear, and we absorb it in all kinds of ways.

Maybe your parents stressed about money, so you grow up with financial anxiety. Maybe there’s a history of illness in your family, so you fear every cough or sneeze. If there’s been infidelity in relationships, you inherit the fear that someone is cheating on you.

This cycle of fear doesn’t just revolve around major things; it impacts everyday personal experiences. Let’s say a woman has been cheated on several times throughout her life. By the time she’s in her 20s, she might believe that all men cheat. That belief becomes her truth, and it drives her fear. It is the lens through which she views the world.

Here’s the thing about beliefs: they shape how we view the world, how we view ourselves, and how we view those around us. We distort things to fit with what we already believe. If you think the world is a fearful place, you’ll search for things that confirm that. If you believe someone is a liar, you’ll start looking for ways to catch them in a lie.

We can break this cycle. To overcome fear, we have to consciously challenge these deep-rooted beliefs that hold us back. It takes work and time to reprogram your mind. You can stop living in fear and start making decisions based on logic and discernment.

Fear freezes us. To move past it, you have to begin to trust your judgment and live life without being chained by generational fear.

John Welbourn


John Welbourn is Founder/CEO of Power Athlete Inc and former NFL player. John was drafted with the 97th pick in 1999 NFL Draft and went on to be a starter for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2003, appearing in 3 NFC Championship games, and started for the Kansas City Chiefs from 2004-2007. In 2008, he played with the New England Patriots until an injury ended his season early with him retiring in 2009. Over the course of his NFL career, John started over 100 games regular season games with 10 play-off appearances. He was a four-year letterman while playing football at the University of California at Berkeley. He graduated from the college of letters and sciences with a bachelor's degree in Rhetoric in 1998. And did his Masters work at the UC Berkeley School of Education in 1999. Since retiring from the NFL, John has worked extensively with the NFL, NHL, MLB, Olympic athletes, the US Army and Naval Special Warfare. He works as a consultant and advisor for several companies focused on improving human performance through training, nutrition and fitness-based technologies. John provides daily coaching and mentorship to over 5000 athletes around the world through his Power Athlete Coaches Network and training program delivery platform. Since in 2013, John has hosted a weekly podcast, Power Athlete Radio; a podcast dedicated to improving performance and connecting with some of the smartest people on the planet. With more than 700 episodes Power Athlete Radio has proven to be on the top podcasts in the strength and conditioning realm. John travels the world lecturing on performance and nutrition for Power Athlete and as a keynote speaker. John is a married father of three and resides in Austin, Texas. You can catch up with him at his personal blog, “Talk To Me Johnnie”, at Power Athlete or on social media @johnwelbourn.