Evaluating Your Life Satisfaction

Brandon Epstein shares a 5-step evolution on your life satisfaction
Evaluating Your Life Satisfaction
Evaluating Your Life Satisfaction / The Everyday Warrior Nation

I want to hit you with a question that could change your life.

How satisfied are you with your peace of mind and well-being? I know it is big and a lot of people would care to avoid answering this question. It is easier to tell yourself, “I’m fine. My kids are good, my wife and I are OK, I make enough money, so we are fine.” But is that really it? Life is more than going through the motions. It’s about growth, deep connections and finding tranquility in the life and the things that make you, you.

Let’s play a little game.

Start by giving yourself a score from 1 to 10 in these areas:
- Overall Satisfaction: How happy are you with your life?
- Physical Health: How do you rate your physical fitness?
- Career: Are you happy with your work? With your pay?
- Finances: Do you feel secure financially? Are you satisfied with where you’re at?
- Relationships: How are your relationships? What about friendships?

Imagine a CEO who’s crushing it at work

He’s got millions in the bank. But a less than stellar marriage. Maybe he rates that part of his life a 3/10. Even with that level of financial success, people feel empty. Instead of chasing more money, he might need to work on his marriage and relationships. Addressing those deeper issues could bring him more happiness and fulfillment.

Once you’ve got your baseline scores, here’s the next step: increase your awareness

I graduated with a degree in Rhetoric from UC Berkeley. One of my favorite authors from college, Marcus Aurelius, would ask, “At each moment ask yourself, ‘Is this necessary?’”. This simple question makes you more conscious of how you’re feeling throughout the day. It’s like a wake-up call to evaluate your every action. I wrote this quote out, took a picture, and it is the lock screen on my phone. Each time I look at the phone I ask myself, “Is this necessary?

After you get in tune with how you’re feeling and your focus, you will feel more grounded.

When the alarm goes off at 6AM, you will know what to focus on. A lot of our happiness comes from where we direct our gaze – like a positive version of the Eye of Sauron. For example, you could focus on not having a Lamborghini, or you could be thankful that you have transportation to and from work. Focusing on what you have builds gratitude. Focusing on what you don’t have only fuels anxiety.

Your attention is like a muscle.

The more you train it and focus on the good, the stronger it gets. Start living with purpose and focus, and you’ll notice a huge improvement in your overall happiness and satisfaction.

John Welbourn

John Welbourn is Founder/CEO of Power Athlete Inc and former NFL player. John was drafted with the 97th pick in 1999 NFL Draft and went on to be a starter for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2003, appearing in 3 NFC Championship games, and started for the Kansas City Chiefs from 2004-2007. In 2008, he played with the New England Patriots until an injury ended his season early with him retiring in 2009. Over the course of his NFL career, John started over 100 games regular season games with 10 play-off appearances. He was a four-year letterman while playing football at the University of California at Berkeley. He graduated from the college of letters and sciences with a bachelor's degree in Rhetoric in 1998. And did his Masters work at the UC Berkeley School of Education in 1999. Since retiring from the NFL, John has worked extensively with the NFL, NHL, MLB, Olympic athletes, the US Army and Naval Special Warfare. He works as a consultant and advisor for several companies focused on improving human performance through training, nutrition and fitness-based technologies. John provides daily coaching and mentorship to over 5000 athletes around the world through his Power Athlete Coaches Network and training program delivery platform. Since in 2013, John has hosted a weekly podcast, Power Athlete Radio; a podcast dedicated to improving performance and connecting with some of the smartest people on the planet. With more than 700 episodes Power Athlete Radio has proven to be on the top podcasts in the strength and conditioning realm. John travels the world lecturing on performance and nutrition for Power Athlete and as a keynote speaker. John is a married father of three and resides in Austin, Texas. You can catch up with him at his personal blog, “Talk To Me Johnnie”, at Power Athlete or on social media @johnwelbourn.