Leading Yourself: The Battle Begins Within

Listen up— life can be tough, no doubt about that, and those that struggle the most have yet to accept the reality that “nobody's coming to save you”. Not your friends, not your family, not some magic mentor. You’ve got to develop the warrior mindset that it is ALWAYS on YOU save yourself.
Leading Yourself
Leading Yourself / The Everyday Warrior Nation

Self-leadership is the most crucial battle you will face. True warriors and inspiring Leaders are those that look in the mirror and own their life—no excuses and no complaints. Developing this mindset is a journey, and as with all journeys, it starts with a few small steps.

1. Take Ownership

The second you stop blaming your circumstances, you take control. This isn't about pointing fingers; it’s about recognizing that your life is a direct reflection of the choices you have made. If you want different results, then you have got to make different choices. Own your wins, your failures, and everything in between. When you take ownership over your life and it’s outcomes, you take back power over your future. That’s where real leadership starts—when you step up and say, "This is on me."

2. Find Your Own Fire

If you’re sitting around waiting for motivation, you’re wasting time. Motivation isn’t some magical feeling that hits you out of nowhere. It’s something you have to create for yourself. Find your reason—the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning when you’re sore, tired, and feeling like quitting. Whatever it is, dig it out of yourself and use it. Nobody’s going to light that fire for you, so it’s up to you to strike the match.

3. Embrace the Grind

Stop looking for shortcuts. Success isn’t served on a silver platter; it’s cooked up in the daily grind. That means showing up, putting in the work, and staying disciplined when everyone else is slacking off. Hard work isn’t glamorous; it’s sweat, sore muscles, and sacrifice. But that’s the price warriors pay for greatness. If you can’t handle the grind, you don’t deserve the reward. It’s as plain and simple as that.

4. Embrace Discomfort

You want to grow? Then get comfortable being uncomfortable. Challenges aren’t roadblocks, they’re the way forward. The tough moments, the setbacks, the failures—those are the times that build your character. When things get hard, and they will, you’ve got two choices: fight or flight. Leaders fight. They don’t back down or retreat; they face the storm and push through. It is at this moment where you prove to yourself what you’re really made of. I think Mike Sarraille says it best:

“Here's the thing about Excellence, it always involves a high degree of failure. Now failure is not an indictment of your character or your worth as a human being, it's God's way of saying you “didn't get it right do it again”” 

5. Lead by Example

You can’t lead others if you can’t lead yourself! When you walk the walk, people notice. They see the discipline, the grit, the relentless drive—and through your actions alone, they become inspired. That’s how you lead: by setting the example for others to emulate. The way you live your life is the best leadership lesson you’ll ever give to anyone.

Remember This

Leading yourself is the toughest job you’ll ever take on, but it’s also the most rewarding. Stop waiting for something or someone to change your life. Step up. Own your situation, find your fire, put in the work, and face every damn challenge head-on. The warrior mentality starts with you. Once you win that battle, there’s nothing you can’t conquer.

Never Settle, Never Quit
No Excuses, F#@KING Lead!


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Gunny is a respected Leadership Development Coach and Managing Partner of MT6 Media. He also serves as General Manager for Everyday Warrior Nation on Sports Illustrated. Following a legacy of military service, Gunny found his obsession for leadership during his time in the Marine Corps and discovered a hidden passion for media creation. Today, his mission is twofold: to pass on the leadership lessons he learned and to bring others’ stories to life through powerful media