Dramatic Frozen Lake Ice Collapse Captured on Video: A Reminder of Ice Fishing Safety
A Dramatic Ice Collapse Captured on Video
We’ve been cranking out quite a bit of ice fishing content recently, so ice safety is always a topic that remains front of mind. That’s why this dramatic video, posted recently as a reel on Midwest Outdoors USA’s Facebook page, caught my eye. Apparently, no one was injured in this event, but I’ll bet it got the videographer’s heart going.
What Causes Large-Scale Ice Failures?
I attempted to research whether this dramatic failure of a large area of lake ice is common, or at least, a documented phenomena. Unfortunately, I was unable to find any credible information describing what I saw on the video.
The Possible Role of Aerators and Fluctuating Water Levels
From what I can see, it looks like there was probably a couple feet of open air between the ice layer and the surface of the water beneath it. You see that when the largest area of ice falls in, free falling without a splash. I suppose that air layer could form as the result of fluctuating water levels, like in a reservoir. A few people have commented on the original video that the ice failure may be the result of someone powering up an aerator system under the ice.
Essential Ice Fishing Safety Tips
In any case, it’s a dramatic thing to see and something for every ice angler to keep in mind as they venture out. The geyser of water shooting up out of an ice fishing hole that starts the video is a pretty memorable warning sign. If you’re on the ice and happen to see that, I would strongly suggest getting out of there as quickly as possible.
Always be sure you know not only the thickness, but the condition of the ice you plan to travel across. Before heading out, equip yourself with safety gear like ice picks and a flotation device, and fish with a buddy whenever possible. Check local conditions and avoid areas near aerators or inlets. A little extra planning and caution can ensure your safety and keep your ice fishing trips enjoyable for years to come.
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