Stewart-Haas pursuing Kurt Busch, Rodney Childers

"This kind of got sprung on us 14 days ago. Gene just showed some interest in having the ability to put something together. That's really all it is. It's
Stewart-Haas pursuing Kurt Busch, Rodney Childers
Stewart-Haas pursuing Kurt Busch, Rodney Childers /

Kurt Busch has made the underfunded, single-car Furniture Row team a Chase contender.
Kurt Busch has made the underfunded, single-car Furniture Row team a Chase contender :: Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

"This kind of got sprung on us 14 days ago. Gene just showed some interest in having the ability to put something together. That's really all it is. It's something we're working on. I don't know if it all will come together."
