Ex-NBA ref Tim Donaghy suing book publisher, reportedly wanted movie deal

Ex-NBA ref Tim Donaghy, who resigned in 2007 amid FBI charges of fixing and betting on games, is currently suing his book publisher and reportedly wanted a movie deal. (Rocky Widner/Getty Images)

Tim Donaghy, who commissioner David Stern called a "rogue referee" in the 2007 betting scandal, reportedly wants a movie deal out of his tell-all book, Personal Foul, and is now suing his publisher for the estimated $200,000 in book sales he claims he never received, according to a report from Curtis Krueger of the Tampa Bay Times:
“After chronicling his downfall in a book… Donaghy is now suing his Largo publisher. Donaghy’s attorney Nicholas Mooney said publisher Shawna Vercher ‘knew that she could exploit Mr. Donaghy because of his past issues.’ But Khurrum Wahid, attorney for Vercher and her business, VTi Group, said profits were reduced because Donaghy asked for extras, such as asking the company to look into a movie deal, the possibility of selling the book in China, and help for a friend who wanted help setting up business.”
According to the report, Donaghy's plan was to use the earnings from his book to pay off $195,000 in restitution charges owed to the NBA.