Report: NFL memo to scouts shows credentials sought in replacement refs

The NFL's most popular referee, Ed Hochuli, is currently locked out with the rest of the officials. (Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

Just before the NFL referees' lockout became official, the NFL sent out a memo to scouts as a sort of contingency plan regarding replacement referees.
The memo, obtained by, details the credentials the NFL is looking for in potential replacement officials. Though it was tentative plan in early June, the referees began their lockout soon after and are currently still in the lockout.
In a list comprised of seven bullet points, the NFL details what it would look for in the replacement officials it is targeting.
1. An Official who have recently retired from a successful career in College officiating and is still physically able to officiate at a high level of competency.
2. Lower division college officials, professional league officials and semi-professional league officials whose window of opportunity for advancement has pretty much closed but who have the ability to work higher levels but just got overlooked.