Report: NCAA to make head coaches more accountable for staff violations

Former UConn head coach Jim Calhoun was cited as an example for tougher NCAA violation legislation. (Winslow Townson/Getty Images)

The NCAA is preparing to hold head coaches in football and basketball directly accountable for rules violations by their coaching staff, according to a document obtained by USA Today.
The Division 1 Board of Directors is expected to adopt the new legislation Tuesday, according to the report.
The nine-page document outlines some specifics in the NCAA's new four-tier penalty structure, which would take effect immediately and replace the current rigid categories of secondary and major violations, and addresses several kinds of violations in football and men's basketball that can lead to the suspension of a head coach.
One example the document alludes to is the University of Connecticut basketball violations involving the recruitment of Nate Miles, in which head coach Jim Calhoun "failed to alert the compliance staff and administration of possible improprieties between the agent/booster" and prospect. Under the new structure, penalties could have included a suspension or other restrictions for Calhoun.
after finding his staff used a former team manager turned agent to help recruit Miles