Royce White wants Rockets to hire a 'medical point person' to evaluate him

Royce White will explain how he wants the Rockets to handle his mental health issues during an HBO interview set to air on Tuesday. (Brian Babineau/Getty Images)

In an interview for "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel" that will air on Tuesday, suspended Rockets rookie Royce White said that he wants the team to hire a physician to determine whether his mental health disorders will allow him to play each day based.
The embattled forward has made headlines throughout the season for his criticism of the Rockets for their handling of his anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders. He was suspended on Jan. 6 after refusing to report to the D-League.
The interview with Real Sports corespondent Bernard Goldberg, detailed by the Houston Chronicle's David Barron, represents the first time he has clarified the specific stipulations he would like the team to add to his contract.
“I want a medical point person that will remain neutral and keep the interest in health,” White told Goldberg.
Asked if that meant the doctor could determine that White’s anxiety disorder would not allow him to play, for example, in a game against the Lakers, “Then I can’t play against the Lakers,” he said.
“Just like if your orthopedist says, ‘Royce’s left toe has a crack in it and he shouldn’t run or jump against the Lakers tonight,’ then I can’t run or jump against the Lakers tonight.”
White added that he would be "risking his life" if he played without the protocols he explained.
“What comes along with mental health that goes untreated? Alcohol abuse. Marijuana abuse. Suicidal behavior. Homicidal behavior. Those are things I’m not willing to risk to play basketball, to have money, to have fame."