Report: Delmon Young's hate crime will be expunged from his record

The agent for outfielder Delmon Young says that his hate crime charge and subsequent community service "changed his life." (Leon Halip/Getty Images)

Barring further incident, Philadelphia Phillies outfielder Delmon Young's April 2012 hate crime charge will be expunged from his record at his next hearing on May 13, according to's Ken Rosenthal.
Young's agent, Joel Wolfe, told Rosenthal that the 27-year-old has fulfilled both of the obligations he agreed to -- 10 days of community service in New York and one day at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles -- as part of his guilty plea last year.
Young was charged with a hate crime last April after he shouted an anti-Semitic slur while intoxicated outside a New York hotel, according to the New York Police Department.
He pleaded guilty to aggravated harassment and performed his community service "as soon as he was medically cleared to stop using crutches" following microfracture surgery on his ankle.
Young’s community service, Wolfe said, consisted of cleaning parks in Manhattan — sweeping leaves, picking up trash, etc. At the Museum of Tolerance, Young spent time with both the director and a Holocaust survivor.
“The entire experience changed his life,” Wolfe said.