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Cristiano Ronaldo curses, walks out on interview over FIFA question

Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo dropped some expletives and walked out on an interview with CNN Espanol this weekend after receiving multiple questions about the ongoing FIFA corruption scandal.
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Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo dropped some expletives and walked out on an interview with CNN Espanol after receiving multiple questions about the ongoing FIFA corruption scandal.

Ronaldo joined CNNE remotely with the intention of promoting his brand of headphones that is launching in the United States. According to the CNNE translation of the interview—which was conducted in Spanish—Andres Oppenheimer asked Ronaldo, “Before asking you about your new line of sporting headphones that you've come to the US to launch, we have to ask you about the issue in football that has been in the spotlight of the entire world: the corruption scandal surrounding FIFA. Question—how is the corruption scandal at FIFA affecting playing on the field of play? Is it something that worries you?”

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Ronaldo responded, “Do you want me to be honest?” After Oppenheimer said yes, the two-time and defending FIFA Ballon d’Or winner said the scandal was a non-issue for his teammates.

Cristiano Ronaldo (CR) (Spanish): Do you want me to be honest? (yes.) It doesn't worry me at all. (why is that?) I do my profession, my job, I give me all for my club...the rest doesn't matter to me. I don't care what happens on the outside.

AO (Spanish): And your teammates?

CR (Spanish): I don't know. You have to speak with them. I don't know, I can't answer for everyone else.

AO (Spanish): But, don't tell me that you guys don't speak about it in the locker room.

CR (Spanish): You want to know the truth? We don't speak about it at all.

AO (Spanish): Not at all?

CR (Spanish): Not at all. We talk about other things.

AO (Spanish): What do you guys talk about?

CR (Spanish): About music, about women, about fashion, about shoes, about suitcases/bags, about jewelry, about haircuts...any more (you want me to list?)

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After further questioning from Openheimer, Ronaldo removed his headset and snapped his fingers at someone off-screen before saying in Spanish, “This is, this is bulls**t.”

CR (English): I can't speak like that. This is bulls**t. Speak about FIFA, I don't care about FIFA. And Qatar...I don't give a f**k. What you want me to do? (gestures with hand). Speak about product, he speaks about FIFA...come on. (walks off)

Mike Fiammetta