Kobe Bryant agrees to donate to Afghanistan women’s national team

Kobe Bryant has agreed to donate to the Afghanistan women’s national team.
Kobe Bryant agrees to donate to Afghanistan women’s national team
Kobe Bryant agrees to donate to Afghanistan women’s national team /

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Kobe Bryant has agreed to donate to the Afghanistan women’s national team, he wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. 

Sportswear company Hummel Sport tweeted that it would donate $1 for each new follower of the Aghanistan women’s national team Twitter account up to $1,000. Once the goal was reached, the account sought a financial assist from someone willing to match their $1,000 donation. 

Lakers legend Bryant accepted the challenge.

“Deal,” Bryant tweeted in response to a tweet asking him to donate from Mexico women’s national team player Monica Alvarado.

Bryant is a known soccer fan, and met with the U.S. women’s national team earlier this year.


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