Helping Hand of God: Maradona Takes to Social Media to Calm Health Fears After Worrying Video

Argentina legend Diego Maradona has taken to social media to tell everyone that he has no problems following the worry caused after Argentina's World Cup victory over Nigeria on Tuesday night.
The former attacker was seen struggling in his hospitality suite after the match, and was rushed to hospital in St Petersburg.
Maradona, above anything else, is a character. He follows his country everywhere and cheers them on at any opportunity, and often causes a scene whilst doing so. Be it flipping off TV cameras, dancing or even sleeping (all three of which he was seen engaging in during Tuesday's game), he's always doing something.
However, his craziness got a little out of hand towards the end of the huge Nigeria victory.
Earlier on in the game, the ex pro was being filmed on someone's phone in the stands, and something was quite clearly not right.
It was then after the game when another camera caught Maradona being helped into his hospitality suite following Argentina's victory.
While many would immediately assume that his problems were relates to whatever substances he was taking, the footballing legend took to his Facebook page afterwards to explain.
"I want to tell everyone that I am fine, that I am not, neither was I interned. In the halftime of the game against Nigeria, my neck hurt a lot and I suffered a decompensation.
"I was checked by a doctor and I recommended to go home before the second half, but I wanted to stay because we were risking it all. How could I leave? I send a kiss to everyone, thanks for the support!"

All that matters is that he's fine. However, the stresses of watching his country this summer cannot be helping the 57-year-old.