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Dwight Yorke has once again publicly thrown his name into the hat for the vacant Sunderland manager job.

Yorke had a really good spell as a player at Sunderland at the end of his career, and he still holds a lot of affection for the Wearside club.

He is also trying to reignite a managerial career after a brief spell in charge of Australian side Macarthur FC, where he had a 52% win ratio.

Yorke talking about wanting to manage Sunderland is nothing new, though, and he is desperate for a chance to replace Beale.

“I would just like the opportunity to manage Sunderland,” York told Gambling Zone.

“I’ve played for these clubs and it would be nice to go back to Sunderland, but it doesn’t mean that I’d rule out managing another club in the EFL.

“I have to be open-minded to the challenge I’d have to take on.”

Yorke was among the most vocal of critics of Michael Beale’s appointment at Sunderland, describing it at the time as ‘baffling.’

He is especially unhappy to see failed managers get multiple opportunities while he is still waiting for a first one in English football.

Speaking in December, Yorke said: “Was I surprised at Michael Beale’s appointment? Well, people are given chances from failed opportunities and it baffles me.

“He was an assistant at Villa, did OK. Did OK at QPR then went to Rangers and got sacked and now he’s at Sunderland.

“Here we are in a space of a year and there’s someone like him in three or four jobs! You’re just trying to scratch your head at how that works and based on what results.

“He seems like a decent bloke, I don’t know him but I’ve listened to him on TV, but ultimately you need to be judged on results, right?

“And if I were to judge on his results, it’s not really overly impressive but he’s got another high-profile job at Sunderland.

“It’s unfair when someone like me is looking to seek an opportunity into football and you’re not getting the rub of the green in that sense.

“He’s been given another opportunity to prove himself so we will just have to wait and see.

“I just find it crazy that he’s got into the situation of going to QPR, Rangers and then Sunderland and a bit like Wayne Rooney, these people seem to be getting all of these chances and I don’t get how it works.”