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Sunderland have a number of ‘offs on the table’ for players, according to Kristjaan Speakman, who says availability rather than finances is what is holding everything up.

With just a week to go in the transfer window, Sunderland are yet to make any kind of a breakthrough despite the obvious need for a centre-forward.

One regular accusation from Sunderland fans is that the club either have no money or are unwilling to spend the £10million they received from Southampton for Ross Stewart last summer.

Speakman says that is not the case, and the real problem is that clubs are refusing to let players go this month, especially strikers.

"We've definitely got a couple of priority positions that we've spent a lot of time and focus on, and you've referenced a couple of them there (left back and striker)," Speakman said.

"We're always looking across the squad as you have to do in every window, both for who can complement the team and be in the squad, and those who can come in and complement what we're trying to do as a football club.

"Everyone recognises that the market is slow at the moment, there's been a very small number of deals in the Championship. We've got a couple of permanent offers on the table, a couple of loan offers.

“We're waiting on other clubs and that's slightly frustrating but you have to respect that if players are registered to other clubs, it's their decision. It's not on our control, it's about timing and squad management for other clubs.

"At the minute, finances aren't stopping us doing anything. It's about needing the market to free up and players to become available - that's where we sit.

"The players we're enquired about, we'd be one of probably six to eight clubs who've done the same.

"That's where that position is, sometimes you go through times where there's a surplus of players in certain positions in a window. The last couple, we've found that one to be a really difficult one but that's no different to any other football club."